ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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My name is Joan S. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in June 2007 because I was suffering from low energy and hair loss. My naturopathic doctor was frustrated because the hair loss was not getting better and I continued to have low energy. The hair loss had been going on for years and my energy had been low for six months.
Along with the low energy I had constant head and neck aches. I was not sleeping well and I needed to take naps in the afternoon to get through the day. My legs felt really heavy, like lead weights, all day long. I had difficulty balancing check books, following directions, and completing tasks at work. It also interfered with practicing karate. I tried chiropractic for my neck pain but the pain and headaches would come back within 48 hours.
When I first started treatments I actually felt worse but, now my condition feels 70% better. I feel rested and know that the acupuncture is working. I am able to get work tasks completed and practice Karate again. I have also had significant improvement in the reduction of my hair loss. The clinic is clean and professional (I love the flowers!) and the staff is great. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it works.
Insomnia, Fatigue, Pain, and Menstrual Cramps
These problems kept me from assisting my children and interfered with other daily activities like being able to go on long walks. I tried physical therapy, ibuprofen which took some of the edge off the pain, and sleeping pills that only worked with high dosages.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after five treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95% better! I now feel energetic, well rested, and free from the back pain, shoulder pain, headaches and the bad menstrual cramps. I am able to play tennis, walk for exercise, and play soccer with my kids. I have also had significant improvement with the dermatitis on my face and I have lost five pounds!
During the treatments I felt my stress being released. They were relaxing and peaceful. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is patient, caring, and understanding.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone of any age because it can improve anyone’s health. When your body is functioning at a higher level it opens up a whole new world for you and everyone that you come in contact with. More Menstrual Problem Testimonials More Neck & Shoulder Testimonials Relief From Tourette Syndrome and Fatigue
I had this problem for four years. I felt sick to my stomach and often got so worked up that I would vomit. I would feel really warm, my head movements started up, and sweat ran down my body. It was embarrassing when this happed at school. It was difficult to do my best when all I wanted was to go home and take a shower. These problems also made it difficult for me to sleep and then I felt even more tired and irritable. I just wanted to sleep all day.
I tried chiropractic and Tourette syndrome medication, Haldol, Risperdal, and antidepressants. But I ended up with night mares and felt agitated, weak, and sleepy all the time.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after four treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time I feel 80% better. I now feel energized and can eat all of my meals because I don’t have an upset stomach anymore. I am able to focus and know what is going on at school. I am less agitated, laugh a lot more, and enjoy playing with the rest of the kids. My head movements have lessened and I can now ride my bike without training wheels and ride my Razor 4-wheeler all by myself. During the treatments I felt relieved that something was actually helping me. The clinic at Abundance Acupuncture is wonderful and the staff is great. I enjoy taking my herbal pills because they help me a lot with school and my academics. If you have Tourette syndrome or a movement disorder Chinese herbal therapy can make a big difference. CHRONIC PAIN and FATIGUE
Now, one year later, I am well on the way to recovering my health and am brimming with optimism.
I have always been active and despite having had back problems and surgery in 1994, I am an avid motorcyclist. My husband and I were planning a month long motorcycle tour of Europe to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in 2006. In June of 2004, 1 suffered a severe fall down a stairway and despite many chiropractic sessions, I was unable to stand straight or walk for even a short distance without pain. I fought the pain 24/7, and went to work every day, but was completely exhausted. My quality of life was severely diminished. I could no longer do even simple household chores. In October of 2005, I suffered a spontaneous break in my pelvis. After that, the pain was intolerable. By Christmas, I could barely work. Even sitting was painful. Doctors said my body wasn't healing. All they could offer were pain medications. How could I ever tour Europe on a motorcycle in 6 months? My boss, in her compassion, gave me a gift card for an acupuncture session. What did I have to lose?
I remember the day, December 29, 2005, I sat with Shari Friedrichs and cried all the while she tried to explain to me how acupuncture works. My body was so broken and in so much pain, I told her I could not stand to listen. All I wanted was the treatment.
From that day forward, my health improved dramatically. By February 7, 2006, 1 was pain free! My body was healing. I continued my treatments, and today, one year later, I walk 5 miles daily and have lost 35 pounds.
I have always had a fear of needles, but Dr. David Milbradt has such a skilled, gentle technique that I soon welcomed the treatments which were always relaxing and pleasant. The entire office staff is supportive, kind and caring. I have never been treated more kindly or with more compassion by any medical office staff anywhere!
I encourage anyone that feels hopeless about their health issues and believes that nothing can be done for them to consider acupuncture. I'm glad I did.
Diane J. January 23, 2007
Fatigue, Vertigo, and Insomnia
The usual remedies of self treatment with herbs, meditation, nutrition, trigger point self massage and yoga offered little or no relief. Ditto for over-the-counter and prescription meds recommended by my primary care physician and the ER doctor who treated me when the school nurse and my daughter, who is also a nurse, bullied me into going in because my vertigo and high blood pressure, along with tingling extremities made it look like I was having a stroke. Turned out to be hyperventilation and water in the middle ear.
Now, I hate spending money on myself. (My husband and I brag about having bought my wedding band second hand for $50 at a gun show.) So you know I was desperate when I made 2 appointments with Jodi Sager, a massage therapist here in Beaver Dam. Her Jin Shin Do and hot stone massage did me a world of good, reducing the pain in my leg for 2 days after each treatment, but the symptoms quickly returned. Jodi said I had so many issues going on, that she thought I would be a good candidate for acupuncture. Her referral to Abundance Acupuncture netted me a free initial assessment.
That referral turned out to be such a lucky turning point for me! I had my first acupuncture treatment on August 11, 2008 and am writing this testimonial 4 weeks later, unable to believe that it is 5:30 in the morning and I have awakened refreshed, ready to face the day with energy to burn. Starting with the first treatment, my fatigue has gradually lessened, until I now feel 10 years younger. The vertigo disappeared after only 3 treatments and the pain in my thigh after 8. (It also helps that I self massage a trigger point that made its presence known when I sat in a kiddy quad chair at my grandson‘s request.) At times, water retention still makes me feel like a wood tick ready to pop, but that usually happens only if I miss a few doses of the Six Gentlemen herbals that David recommended, or if I eat salty restaurant food.
Relatives, friends, and coworkers are probably sick of hearing about how effective acupuncture is when they ask me how things are going. Thanks to David Milbradt, his staff, and Jodi for her referral, a simple response of, “just fine” doesn’t cut it anymore. PS--Since writing this a few days ago, I fell of the menopause wagon. Shari warned me this could happen once my body got back in balance. Anyone who thinks the effects of acupuncture are "all in your head" needs to explain to me how likely it is for the ovaries of a 50 year-old crone to start popping off eggs again after an 18 month break. Hot Flashes and Fatigue
I tried medications such as Clariton and prescription Allergx for allergies but, the allergies continued after the medications wore off and sometimes the medications made it worse. I tried Birth Control Pills, Estrogen, and Metformin for hormones. I also had surgery but the symptoms returned nine months after surgery. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after nine treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95 % better. I now feel more energetic and am not having hot flashes or night sweats. I sleep more soundly and get up feeling more rested. I am able to be more productive in my life.
During the treatments I felt energy flowing throughout my body, changing the balance within. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is friendly and helpful.
I would recommend acupuncture to everyone experiencing a condition that it can help because it really does work and it can make a difference in your life. I have several friends who have found acupuncture to work for them too. I’m glad I gave it a try. Headaches, Fatigue, and Weight Loss
These problems contributed to a negative “so so” attitude about my life in general. I was pushing myself to participate only, not living with a purpose. These problems also caused me to feel irritable and hopeless. The pain limited my physical activity and made it difficult for me to enjoy exercise such as walking and biking.
I tried medications such as Excedrin and Tylenol for pain, nasal steroids for the allergies. I also tried physical therapy and chiropractic but only felt temporary relief until the next appointment.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after five treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my over all condition feels 85 % better. I have had 100% improvement in my headaches and digestion, so much that I have forgotten the conditions existed, and these were the primary reasons for trying acupuncture. I have even lost 6 pounds!
I now feel a positive instead of negative attitude about myself and I am able to relax and approach life with less frustration. I now control my thoughts instead of my thoughts controlling me. I feel less anxiety and frustration and have increased concentration and more initiative. During the treatments I felt relaxed and encouraged by the results that I felt after each treatment. The clinic is professional, yet personable and the staff is very caring.
The most important thing that I have learned is that the body has an amazing energy that can get caught in a traffic jam and acupuncture clears the road for the energy to flow. We just need to recognize the problem and reroute the energy before we crash and burn. Chronic, All Over, Aches and Pains
I tried medications such as Aleve, Tylenol, muscle relaxants, and Trazadone, but I continued to be fatigued and in a lot of pain. I started to feel significant improvements and was able to move my neck with less pain during my first treatment. Now I am feeling great! I have less pain, feel more energetic, and I am able to do the things I enjoy that I haven’t been able to do in years. I am less depressed and I have been able to eliminate a number of medications which I had been taking for years and years. During the treatments I felt relaxed and could actually feel the pain melting away. The staff at the clinic is very friendly and helpful. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who hurts because it works. More Fibromyalgia Testimonials More Medication Elimination Testimonials Anxiety, Panic Attacks, & Fatigue
With my daughter’s wedding approaching, I began having symptoms surfacing again. Fourteen years ago I suffered with anxiety all day at an important family event. Afraid of the same thing happening at the wedding and not wanting to be more medicated, I decided to try Acupuncture.
I had my first appointment 1 1/2 weeks before the wedding to discuss my options. Both Shari and David felt they could help me even in such a “short time.” I had 5 appointments before the big day, along with ear tacks in place and acupressure points to use. I made it through the entire weekend without a problem. I’ve continued getting treatments and I am completely off of the medications, with none of the previous symptoms of anxiety returning. Since starting the treatments I have also noted a significant decrease in fatigue.
I look forward to each treatment, as the whole experience is very calming and pleasant from the time I walk in the door to leaving. I always thought I would be on that medication for the rest of my life, so I am definitely thrilled with my progress! I very much appreciate the art of Natural Healing. More Testimonials About Anxiety
Fatigue and High Blood Pressure
My name is Mary and I came to Abundance Acupuncture in late July, 2007. I was experiencing extreme exhaustion and general fatigue that was so severe I literally could not function on a daily basis.
Within 3-4 months of my first visit and initial treatments, my energy returned and I feel vital again. I have also experienced a life-changing emotional and physical “balance” as a result of the treatments administered by both David Milbradt and Jonah.
Last of all and very importantly, I had been taking blood pressure medication for at least ten years on a daily basis as prescribed by my physician. After only thirty days of acupuncture treatments, my blood pressure returned to normal and I no longer require ANY blood pressure medication. This fact is documented in my medical file at my physician’s office. This is a bonus I could have never imagined or expected!
Thank you to the entire staff at ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE
Roller Coaster Thyroid
My thyroid was treated with radioactive iodine and I was prescribed synthroid, a synthetic thyroid hormone. I also tried chiropractic but I was left with “roller coaster” like fluctuations in symptoms that went on for years. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after my first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture.
At this point in time my condition feels 80% better. I now feel energized and vital and I am able to think more clearly, move more easily, and I look forward to being healthy again. I have also noticed a significant reduction in the numbness in my arm and the swelling around my eyes is going down.
The clinic is comfortable and the staff is very helpful. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it reconnects you to yourself. More Testimonials on Depression
I tried medications such as antidepressants, various supplements, physical therapy, and chiropractic to resolve this problem with some improvements initially, but never any great improvement that stuck with me. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after a month of treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95% better. I now feel much better and I am able to do many things such as gardening and walking without suffering the painful affect afterward.
I have also had significant improvement in my sleeping and a much improved energy level. I just painted my living room without any ill effects.
During the treatments I felt calm and relaxed. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is warm and friendly. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who suffers from a long-term condition because it is a great alternative from more and more medications and their side effects.
P.S. I called to cancel an appointment when I had the flu and Margo said to keep the appointment – it would really help with the flu. She was right – it was amazing! I felt better immediately. Frequent Diarrhea and Fatigue
I tried taking Imodium and diphenoxlated atropine to control the diarrhea, but found it nearly impossible to leave my home as I needed to be near a restroom at all times. My health was failing because of a lack of nutrition and I felt exhausted and weak.
Western medicine offered temporary help but no solution to my problem. I knew I needed a preventative approach so I decided to try acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to get help. When I came to Abundance Acupuncture I was encouraged to learn that their approach was to treat the whole body so it works in harmony with all body parts. I was hopeful!
Long held body habits take patience and time to reverse, but I began to notice significant improvements after eight treatments. In addition to acupuncture treatments I was prescribed herbs to assist my recovery. I was also instructed in proper nutrition and I changed the kinds of food I ate for healthier choices. I am now very much improved. My diarrhea is 100% better controlled. I feel more energetic and hopeful and I have a whole new start in life. I am so grateful for the treatments and for the care and concern the staff showed throughout my treatments. Fibromyalgia and Severe Pain
I was so depressed that I cried myself to sleep hoping that I would not wake up in the morning. It was difficult to make it through my daily life. I was unable to play with my grandchildren or do anything fun with my husband like going for a walk or a bike ride. My doctor recommended that I only work one or two hours at a time for a couple days a week. Now I find it difficult to even remember how bad I felt about my life during that time.
I tried medications such as Cymbalta which made me feel like I was on another planet and Effexor which caused depression so severe that I was unable to move. I tried Ibuprofen for pain and many natural remedies and nothing made me feel any better.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after the first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture and significant improvements after 12 treatments. At this point in time my condition feels 95% better. I can now function almost normally, I have much less pain, and I am able to work up to 30 hours per week. I can now play with my grandchildren and enjoy life, even though I still can’t over do strenuous activities. I have had significant improvement in other symptoms: my sleeping is much better, I am breathing better, and I have spurts of energy and the motivation to do more things.
During the treatments I was scared and nervous because of my intense needle phobia, but I did it anyway! The clinic is calm and relaxing and the staff is caring, friendly, and nonjudgmental. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it has been life changing. It is one of the best investments I have ever made in my life.
I tried medications such as piroxicam, lexapro, ibuprofen, and aspirin to resolve these problems but only noticed temporary, mild pain relief and nothing more. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after two treatments at Abundance Acupuncture and significant improvements after one month.
At this point in time my condition feels 85% better. I now have no extreme muscle pain, I feel much more energetic, and I am able to do landscaping, yard work, and play with my son. I have also noticed significant improvement in other symptoms like having less sinus congestion and fewer headaches which is unusual for me.
During the treatments I felt very comfortable and relaxed. The clinic is great and the staff is friendly. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it has helped me achieve an overall feeling of healthiness.
Relief From Pain and Fatigue
First I am amazed at just how much energy pain takes out of a person. I am also surprised how we learn to live with pain thinking we have no other choice other than taxing our system with drugs. We learn to live with pain far more than we realize. I didn't until it was no longer there. I would wake up several times at night because of pain. I just couldn't get comfortable. To roll over in bed was a major effort. I would basically have to sit up and then go through my maneuvers to roll over. Then I was usually awake for awhile after all that. At times I would just give up and get up for a few hours and wait until I would basically pass out with exhaustion. I felt drained most of the day due to tolerating pain and not sleeping. I wasn't able to clean my own house and very embarrassed by that.
It took one treatment. Well two for good measure and that was it. The treatment was simple. Needles were placed, I think, in the side of my foot and legs. The key word of 'think' is because I didn't really feel them. I got 45 minutes of very peaceful rest. I usually just sleep. I look forward to this time where I can honestly rest with no interruptions. After the first treatment the pain was gone and has stayed gone. For awhile I kept waiting for it to come back but it has been three months so far and I still have NO pain! In fact, I found that my body needed to be retrained to learn how to not live with pain. The first night after the treatment I couldn't sleep! My body kept saying that something was missing! It was, but it was a good thing! There was no pain. I would turn over the same way and realize I didn't need to do that anymore. I would gingerly get out of a chair and realize, nothing hurt and again. I didn't need to do that. This behavior was so instilled that I am still finding things that I did to compensate for pain that I never realized I did but no longer need to do.
What I am able to do now is nothing short of a miracle. I can not only clean my own house, with great speed I might add, but I can work lifting, standing on concrete all day, climb ladders or just do whatever my heart desires. I have a ton of energy and no longer hurt anyplace. I just did a big project that I knew would keep me in bed the next day. Not only did I not hurt and have to stay in bed I hit the ground running!
My husband commented that he can tell I feel better. He said I have bounce in my step and I take bigger strides and well, hey, he just can't keep up with me anymore! Donna W.
Relief from 10 Years of Fibromyalgia
Hot flashes, mood swings, depression, restless legs, knee pain, and overall lack of energy made it difficult for me to do daily activities like house work. It was hard to find the energy to force myself go to work. Eventually I lost the desire to do the things I enjoyed the most including singing and playing my guitar which are my life passions.
I tried medications such as blood pressure meds, Prilosec, inhalers, antidepressants, prescription anti inflammatory drugs, and even narcotic pain killers for the fibromyalgia pain. None of them seemed to help and my pain and problems kept getting worse. I was repeatedly sent to physical therapy and also used chiropractic care with only minimal temporary results.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after only 6 treatments. At this point in time my condition feels 80-90% improved. The fibromyalgia pain is virtually gone! I am off of five of my medications! I used to take Prilosec daily and now I am down to only every 4 days or so. I plan to eventually discontinue its use completely. I no longer have mood swings or night sweats and my energy is back to do all the things I love to do. I have also had significant improvement in my restless legs, constantly feeling hot, not being able to tolerate summer, and the depression that came with having so much pain. All of these results were pleasant surprises.
My husband even asked if I was an imposter this summer due to the fact that it was one of the hottest on record and I wasn’t complaining about the heat. I feel like I have my life back and expect to continue to improve my health with acupuncture.
During the treatments I felt comfortable, relaxed, and most treatments found me napping. The clinic is a serene place to rejuvenate and improve your health and energy. The staff is fabulous! They are completely professional, knowledgeable, and truly have a passion to help people.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who thinks there is no help for their condition because it works. When I tell people I have had such great results from acupuncture they often ask me “isn’t it expensive?” My reply to that question is “I would rather pay 100% for something that works than 20% for something that doesn’t.” Abundance Acupuncture has truly changed my health and well being which has changed my life. How do you put a price on that? More Fibromyalgia Testimonials More Restless Leg Testimonials Patients Who Have Stopped Needing Medications
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and IBS
I tried medications such as Nortriptyline, physical therapy, and chiropractic. Although the chiropractic gave me temporary relief from the pain nothing helped with the chronic fatigue. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after the first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my fibromyalgia and IBS feel 100% better. Even the chronic fatigue is 80 to 90% better. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like: no more PMS and 95% improvement with my asthma. Acupuncture also helped me overcome the grief I felt after a miscarriage.
During the treatments I deeply relaxed. The clinic is warm and the staff is friendly and professional. I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because it helps everything. Thank you! More Fibromyalgia Testimonials
Relief From Fibromyalgia
I needed to take naps and go to bed early but, I also had difficulty sleeping. When I did any cleaning or vacuuming the pain caused me to be bed ridden for the rest of the day. It was difficult for me take walks, do any gardening, or yard work. I couldn’t even stand or sit for long periods of time and I missed a lot of work.
I tried medications such as Vicodin, steroid shots, and antidepressants. I went to physical therapy, and a pain clinic to reduce the pain but, I only had relief for a few months and then it came right back.
I felt a significant reduction in my pain and fatigue after three treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 60% better. I now feel more energized and I am able to work longer without pain. Now I can do chores around the house without having to sit down after each one. The rib pain is greatly improved and my back pain is now manageable.
During the treatments I was very relaxed and pain free. The clinic is an amazing miracle and the staff is very friendly. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with any kind of pain because the treatments really help.
I was at a point in my life where I just wanted the pain to end. I was hopeless, very depressed, and felt like I couldn’t go on. After coming to you at Abundance Acupuncture I had hope for the first time that someone could really help me and you really have. I can’t thank you enough for how much better I feel. More Fibromyalgia Testimonials
Night Sweats, Fatigue, and Neck Pain
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after my third treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 100% better. My energy level allows me to accomplish much more during the day and I am able to stay focused for longer periods of time. The neck pain is 99% better and the night sweats are no longer an issue. I have also had significant improvement with the pain I had in both knees and the shoulder pain that used to trouble me.
During the treatments I felt relaxed and calm. The clinic is peaceful and beautiful and the staff is always understanding and patient. I often recommend acupuncture to anyone I know because it does work and the results are long lasting.