ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Our ability to help people with treatment resistant anxiety and depression has motivated increasing number of patients to visit us from out of state or remote areas of Wisconsin. If you have worked with doctors, specialists, chiropractors, and other practitioners without success please… don’t give up hope. Go to this page for Information For Patients Who Travel To Beaver Dam
Overcoming Anxiety & Depression without Medications
I tried antidepressants like Citalopram (Celexa) and chiropractic to resolve this problem. The chiropractic care helped with aches and pains and I still go for adjustments. The Citalopram masked my feelings of anxiety and depression.
I felt a significant reduction in my aches and pains after six treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. After twenty eight treatments I felt good enough to start reducing my antidepressant medication. At this point in time my condition feels 99% better. I have completely stopped taking my antidepressants. I feel capable of normal function and I am able to sort through my anxiety and depression without letting them take over my life.
I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like my stress related tummy pain which got better with the Chinese herbs and magnesium supplement provided by Abundance Acupuncture. I felt apprehensive about getting acupuncture treatments at first, but soon my treatments became a welcome relief and a time of renewal and relaxation. The clinic is welcoming and the staff is friendly and helpful.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with unresolved issues because it has helped me overcome depression when nothing else did. I have also been listening to the meditation download they recommended. That seemed to be the icing on the cake of my recovery. More Testimonials from Patient Who Have Eliminated Medications Depression, Back Pain, & Weight Loss
I tried medications such as tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitor antidepressants, and SSRI antidepressants which caused me to gain a lot of weight. The antidepressants also made it difficult to focus my mind and caused problems with my memory. I got some temporary relief from the hip and back pain with chiropractic and physical therapy, but the pain came back again.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after two or three treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. In February, after a month of treatments, I felt good enough to start reducing my antidepressant medications. At this point in time my condition feels 80% better. I have stopped taking all of my antidepressants and I now feel good again. I get up and get going everyday and have been able to start living my life again. I feel more comfortable around other people and I am not missing work anymore. I am even able to work 60 hour weeks again.
I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like my acid reflux and irregular bowel movements. I have not had any migraines since I started treatments and have even lost 30 pounds! I stopped taking birth control pills (to control my migraines), stopped needing to take allergy medicine, and have not taken any Tylenol for pain. P.S. It's three years later and Margot has changed so much that we asked if we could take another picture. Since she has felt well enough to exercise she has been working out on a regular schedule. Go Margot!
Relief from Depression
I tried medications such as Paxil which worked for a while, then didn’t seem to last. My doctor wanted to try different meds, but I didn’t want them because of the side effects. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after two treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 75% better. I now feel like a new woman. I am up now at 5 A.M. and go out for four hours to clear out the jungle. I have been doing this for a week and you can see the bricks in my patio. I have been weeding, trimming, pruning, and have even planted the flowers I bought this year. My neighbor lady must be so happy. I have only had one bad day since I started treatments and the tears used to roll every day.
I have also had significant improvement with my drop foot which had been bothering me for years. It made me limp and I wasn’t able to wear the “cute” shoes because they kept slipping at the heel. The doctors said there was nothing they could do for it. I was so surprised when I was walking normally again! I never expected that benefit from acupuncture at all.
During the treatments I was nervous at first because I didn’t think it would work and I’m not Mrs. Bill Gates, but it has been money well spent. The clinic is clean, everyone knows what they are doing, and it runs on time. The staff is knowledgeable, friendly, and kind. I recommend acupuncture to my friends and others because it has changed my life and I know it works.
Hearing David's presentation not only opened my eyes to what I was doing to myself, but it opened my mind to a whole new way of thinking. Acupuncture is a medical philosophy that I could believe in and embrace wholeheartedly. It just seemed to make so much sense to me that I simply embraced it.
Since I began treatment, about five months ago, I have not only reduced my prescription medicines by a third, but I plan on being complete off all three prescriptions in another six to eight months. I have also completely stopped taking over the counter medications, except for occasional heartburn.
I have also eliminated my six cans of Mountain Dew a day, all sweets and all junk food from my life. And I have lost 17 pounds. For the first time in my life I am exercising.
I don't have the words to describe how successful, confident and proud of myself I feel since beginning treatment.
Debbie F.
Relief from Menopausal Depression
My depression and irritability made me feel hopeless and embarrassed. I had fewer social contacts and interacted less with my family. At times it was difficult for me function to my best ability at work.
I tried medications such as Celexa, Tramadol, Ibuprofen and physical therapy. I even tried to find the right vitamin supplements but I only had very temporary and partial relief.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after two treatments at Abundance Acupuncture and after the first two weeks my colleagues at work noticed that I was looking and feeling much better. At this point in time my condition feels 80% better. I now feel empowered to pursue activities beyond my daily activities without hesitating because it might aggravate my condition. The hot flashes are not waking me up at night and my cyclical mood changes are less extreme. During the treatments I felt incredibly peaceful and relaxed. The clinic is hospitable and the staff is knowledgeable and compassionate. I would recommend acupuncture to any one because if provides far better healing than traditional therapies. Knee & Foot Pain and Depression
So I finally called the clinic and spoke to Margo, the receptionist, who made me feel very much at ease, and asked me to come on in and meet with them all. My initial consultation was quite emotional because I was also very depressed at that time about my failing health and dealing with a personal loss of a death in my immediate family. Shari was very reassuring and told me they could help me. Well they sure did! Since my first treatment in May 2008, I have not taken any pain meds. I can easily walk the halls at work, and I am not going to be forced to retire as early as I thought I would. My right knee is so much better that I am trying to put off another knee replacement to my left knee now. They not only helped me with my knee pain and depression, but I had plantar fasciitis as well, and that has also been resolved. I would definitely rate my pain as 80‑90% improved!
It is so relaxing and calming at the clinic that I actually look forward to my little naps there! If anyone had told me that I would fall asleep with needles in my body I would have told them that they were crazy! I hardly feel them, and after they are in you do not even know that they are even there. I am ever so grateful to David, Jonah, Margo, and Shari. They have changed my life entirely! I wish I would have done this prior to my having a total knee replacement. What a god‑send you all are to me! I also love the music and the flowers!! Thanks again to you all!!! Effexor Withdrawal
It also caused difficulty sleeping, irritability, and hopelessness. It made it difficult for me to work and function normally. I was unable to work for approximately 10-12 days. I tried the medication Lorazepam which was prescribed by a doctor at the Emergency Department at the hospital, but I discontinued after finding out how addictive it is.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after 2-3 treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 100% better. I now feel as I did before taking the Effexor and I am able to function normally. During the treatments I felt relaxed and had some electric current type sensations with some of the needles. The clinic is warm and inviting and the staff is friendly and courteous.
I would recommend acupuncture to any because it works. I have tried acupuncture in the past for stomach and digestive problems which it helped as well.
More Drug Withdrawal Testimonials
Relief from 10 Years of Fibromyalgia
Hot flashes, mood swings, depression, restless legs, knee pain, and overall lack of energy made it difficult for me to do daily activities like house work. It was hard to find the energy to force myself go to work. Eventually I lost the desire to do the things I enjoyed the most including singing and playing my guitar which are my life passions.
I tried medications such as blood pressure meds, Prilosec, inhalers, antidepressants, prescription anti inflammatory drugs, and even narcotic pain killers for the fibromyalgia pain. None of them seemed to help and my pain and problems kept getting worse. I was repeatedly sent to physical therapy and also used chiropractic care with only minimal temporary results.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after only 6 treatments. At this point in time my condition feels 80-90% improved. The fibromyalgia pain is virtually gone! I am off of five of my medications! I used to take Prilosec daily and now I am down to only every 4 days or so. I plan to eventually discontinue its use completely. I no longer have mood swings or night sweats and my energy is back to do all the things I love to do. I have also had significant improvement in my restless legs, constantly feeling hot, not being able to tolerate summer, and the depression that came with having so much pain. All of these results were pleasant surprises.
My husband even asked if I was an imposter this summer due to the fact that it was one of the hottest on record and I wasn’t complaining about the heat. I feel like I have my life back and expect to continue to improve my health with acupuncture.
During the treatments I felt comfortable, relaxed, and most treatments found me napping. The clinic is a serene place to rejuvenate and improve your health and energy. The staff is fabulous! They are completely professional, knowledgeable, and truly have a passion to help people.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who thinks there is no help for their condition because it works. When I tell people I have had such great results from acupuncture they often ask me “isn’t it expensive?” My reply to that question is “I would rather pay 100% for something that works than 20% for something that doesn’t.” Abundance Acupuncture has truly changed my health and well being which has changed my life. How do you put a price on that? More Fibromyalgia Testimonials More Restless Leg Testimonials Patients Who Have Stopped Needing Medications Roller Coaster Thyroid
My thyroid was treated with radioactive iodine and I was prescribed synthroid, a synthetic thyroid hormone. I also tried chiropractic but I was left with “roller coaster” like fluctuations in symptoms that went on for years. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after my first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture.
At this point in time my condition feels 80% better. I now feel energized and vital and I am able to think more clearly, move more easily, and I look forward to being healthy again. I have also noticed a significant reduction in the numbness in my arm and the swelling around my eyes is going down.
The clinic is comfortable and the staff is very helpful. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it reconnects you to yourself.
Relief from Lingering Shingles Pain
It made it difficult for me to travel, go shopping, hold cards in my right hand, and above all to fully enjoy my grandchildren. I tried medications such as Gabapentin, Lyrica, a number of other medications, and chiropractic, but chiropractic seemed to make it feel worse.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after 10 treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 99% better. I now feel like I have my life back and I am able to enjoy my grandchildren, traveling, shopping, and playing cards again. I have also had significant improvement in my energy level, depression, and fibromyalgia.
The clinic is very professional and has a relaxing atmosphere. The staff is very friendly and caring. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who is suffering from shingles pain and would like to have better health.