ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Horrible Menstrual Periods
This made it difficult for me to do anything during my period even going to school or running an errand; basically anything other than trying to sleep or laying down. I tried medications such as naproxen, sodium pamprin, and other pain relievers to resolve this problem and sometimes the period would be a little better and then the next would be just as bad as before.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after ten treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 85 % better. I now feel less cramping, even without pain relievers and less nausea. I am able to be at work or play tennis during my period almost as if it were any other day of the month.
I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like: less sensitivity to the cold and less low back pain in general, not just during my period. During the treatments I felt extremely relaxed as if I was only in the room for five minutes. The Abundance clinic staff is wonderful and friendly.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone dealing with pain, especially because of their period because it is effective without having to put chemicals or birth control hormones into your body.
Back Pain and Menstrual Cramps
I tried medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Naproxen. I also tried massage which temporarily lessened the tightness for about a week. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after 6 or 7 treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 90% + better and I am able to work at home and at work with out the tightness returning. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like my lower back pain, and menstrual cramping.
During the treatments I felt calm and relaxed. The clinic is great and the staff is wonderful. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with pain because it really does help. Thank you very much.
Headache, PMS, & Infertility
I went to the doctor and they gave me an antidepressant which worked for the first year or so and then it stopped working. Then they tried increasing the dose for a few weeks and that didn’t help so I stopped taking it altogether. I ended up taking Advil and tried relaxation techniques and yoga. When I started having acupuncture I was really hoping that it would work because I had tried so many other things… Now I know that it works.
I had a wonderful response to the acupuncture treatments and I noticed improvements right away after the first treatment. The biggest difference I saw was the relief from the tension in my neck and shoulder. The tension used to be there all the time but, now if I feel some tension I notice it right away and I can usually relax it before it builds up. I’m overall more relaxed than when I started treatments and because of that I don’t seem to worry about things as much as I used to.
My Premenstrual Syndrome started when I had my very first periods and I was miserable seven to ten days before each of my periods. With the treatments I noticed a number of changes in my monthly cycle. I stopped feeling nauseous when I ovulated. I had less PMS irritability, water retention, and breast tenderness. I didn’t have the headaches, my cramping was reduced, and when I did have the cramping it was gone right away with the treatments so I didn’t need to take any medicine…which was nice. Actually since I started with the treatments I haven’t needed any medicine at all. Even the cold I had was alleviated by the acupuncture.
My husband and I were trying to have a baby and we had a number of concerns about our fertility. Through acupuncture I relaxed my body so it was more accepting to getting pregnant. In any case it worked! I’m pregnant!
The clinic has a very comforting atmosphere and I felt that everyone who worked there all wanted me to get better.
Kate R.
Insomnia, Fatigue, Pain, and Menstrual Cramps
These problems kept me from assisting my children and interfered with other daily activities like being able to go on long walks. I tried physical therapy, ibuprofen which took some of the edge off the pain, and sleeping pills that only worked with high dosages.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after five treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95% better! I now feel energetic, well rested, and free from the back pain, shoulder pain, headaches and the bad menstrual cramps. I am able to play tennis, walk for exercise, and play soccer with my kids. I have also had significant improvement with the dermatitis on my face and I have lost five pounds!
During the treatments I felt my stress being released. They were relaxing and peaceful. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is patient, caring, and understanding.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone of any age because it can improve anyone’s health. When your body is functioning at a higher level it opens up a whole new world for you and everyone that you come in contact with. More Neck & Shoulder Testimonials
Menstrual Bleeding Issues
Starting in January of 2005, 1 started having serious problems with my menstruation cycle. I would bleed for 21 days every 28 days. So I only had 7 days of not bleeding. That is enough to make any woman cranky and hard to live with.
My OB/GYN said that I needed to have my Thyroid checked, and recommended that I visit my Family Doctor. She did not know what else to do with Thyroid so she sent me to an Endocrinologist in Madison. I went on July 8, 2005. After talking with me, he said that he felt that I was insulin resistance or another name is metabolic syndrome. He recommended not eating any bread, potato, pasta or rice. Then he sent me for a full work up of tests including an x‑ray for sinuses. My glucose and x‑ray came back fine however my triglycerides were 319 way too high and my HDL (Good Cholesterol) was 24 way too low I was to go back and see him again in September of 2005. Well the new diet and thyroid medicine did not help my cycle any at all.
I decided with Margo's urging to call David Milbradt to see what he could do for me, During the 2 months between visits with the endocrinologist, I lost 17 pounds and my triglycerides dropped 100 points and I raised my HDL 3 points. (The endocrinologist felt I would never get my HDVs above 35) The doctor was impressed with the progress. I told him about seeing David and he agreed that would help.
After my first visit with David my cycle sent from bleeding for 21 days to just 14. After the first month my cycle dropped down to 7 days. That was better but still not where it should be so I called the OB/GYN again. I went in for more tests with them. They found a uterine polyp. Their recommendation was to have it surgically removed. Do to the fact I have a private practice, I can not just drop everything and go. So we scheduled it for the end of January 2006. Then just about 5 days before the surgery it was canceled by the doctor I did not reschedule it. I had a feeling it would resolve soon.
At that same time frame I had to have my levels checked again by the endocrinologist. This time I had lost 30 pounds and my Triglycerides were 119, HDL was 35. In March of 2006, while working on a client I felt that I passed a clot. After the massage was done I went and found that I had indeed passed something. It was the size of a peach pit, It looked like muscle fibers and was firm but squishy, dark red with a blue film. My cycle stopped when that happened. Since that day I have a menstruation cycle of 3.5 days every 56 days.
I continue to see David about every month or so for tune ups and help with cravings and crabbiness if nothing else.
Bee H., LMT 2/22/07
Hot Flashes and Fatigue
I tried medications such as Clariton and prescription Allergx for allergies but, the allergies continued after the medications wore off and sometimes the medications made it worse. I tried Birth Control Pills, Estrogen, and Metformin for hormones. I also had surgery but the symptoms returned nine months after surgery.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after nine treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95 % better. I now feel more energetic and am not having hot flashes or night sweats. I sleep more soundly and get up feeling more rested. I am able to be more productive in my life.
During the treatments I felt energy flowing throughout my body, changing the balance within. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is friendly and helpful.
I would recommend acupuncture to everyone experiencing a condition that it can help because it really does work and it can make a difference in your life. I have several friends who have found acupuncture to work for them too. I’m glad I gave it a try.
Hypothyroidism and Female Issues
I began acupuncture in February of 2001 with the cooperation of my medical doctor. I sought out acupuncture as a way of bringing my thyroid back into balance after being diagnosed as hypothyroid and reliant on the prescription medication, Synthroid, for about six years.
After receiving acupuncture on a very regular basis, I was completely weaned off of Synthroid by the summer of 2001. I have twice yearly blood tests for my thyroid and it has been normal ever since.
After that experience, I had a great deal of confidence in the benefits of acupuncture and continued to go regularly for thyroid endocrine maintenance as well as a number of other ailments that have occurred over the years, such as insomnia, menstrual pain, stomach ulcer and an ovarian cyst that went away without the need for surgery. I found acupuncture to be very effective in treating all of these problems!
Additionally, I thought the sessions were very relaxing, frequently falling asleep while the needles were in. There was infrequent mild discomfort with the insertion of the needles, but nothing intolerable.
I am prescription medication free and feel very healthy overall. I am grateful to David Milbradt and to acupuncture for helping me get into a state of balance.
India Aubry June 2005
A Natural Solution for Infertility
My name is Carolyn H. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in April 2006 because my husband and I were having trouble getting pregnant. Based on the opinions and diagnosis of Western medical doctors we were both sub-fertile. I had fertility issues for one year before seeing Dr. Dave and intense PMS for at least the last 5 years.
Our fertility issues caused me intense frustration and sadness. PMS sometimes lasted two whole weeks before my period and made me very irritable, bloated, and also caused breast tenderness. I also had irregular spotting before my periods which lasted up to a week. My doctors couldn’t explain why. These issues caused fatigue, depression, irritability, and hopelessness. They made it difficult for me to enjoy the company of dear friends and family members who all seemed to get pregnant without “trying”.
I tried medications such as Clomid and chiropractic. Clomid gave me the worst PMS, accompanied by rage that I had ever felt. Chiropractic care continues to help me with over all health but wasn’t helping infertility. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after three months of treatments. My unusual spotting prior to periods stopped! My PMS symptoms were reduced in intensity and duration. We found out I was pregnant on December 10th and I am overjoyed! Although all my symptoms did not get 100% better my overall health improved so greatly that with Dr. Dave’s help and herbal supplements, we got pregnant naturally.
During the treatments I felt relaxed and peaceful. There were treatments during which I literally felt energy move from place to place. It was so interesting. The clinic is very clean and comfortable and the staff is friendly and always willing to help.
I would recommend acupuncture to women with PMS and menstrual cycle irregularities and couples experiencing infertility. It is a gentle effective way to harmonize how your body functions as a whole. I would also recommend reading the book The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis which explains how Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine helps infertility problems.
I feel that David Milbradt is a very conscientious practitioner who was always working on making my treatments “just right”. Acupuncture and God’s grace allowed us to avoid invasive Western medical fertility interventions, which in themselves had less than favorable odds of working.
Babies on My Mind
April G/M June 2009