ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Our ability to help people with treatment resistant neck and shoulder pain has motivated increasing numbers of patients to visit us from out of state or remote areas of Wisconsin. If you have worked with doctors, specialists, chiropractors, and other practitioners without success please… don’t give up hope.
Long Term Neck and Shoulder Pain
My name is M
I tried migraine medications, Chiropractic, and massage which gave me temporary relief that required regular Chiropractic visits.
I began to feel
significant improvements in my condition after six treatments of
acupuncture and cupping. At
this point in time my condition feels 90% better. I find that when I
overdo it and feel neck, shoulder or back pain I’m able to recover without
any treatment or medications which is something I’ve never been able to do
for years.
I am able to sleep
better, function better at work and have reduced my medications
significantly. I also rarely feel the need to get a chiro adjustment.
During the treatments
I felt immediate relief from my symptoms. The staff at the clinic is
knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful. I would recommend acupuncture to my
family and friends because after trying other avenues to reduce the pain
acupuncture and cupping has given me permanent relief.
I visited local doctors and pain specialists in Madison. Doctors kept prescribing pain medication, but no relief came from the medication for any length of time. The medication not only didn’t help the pain, but it also had negative side effects by adding to my depression and loss of appetite. The pain ultimately affected my health in such a way that it led to hospitalization. An EMG exam revealed nerve damage in my shoulder from the original fall 2 1/2 years earlier The doctor said there was nothing that they could do except for medication.
Just prior to my hospitalization, we were going to give one last attempt for relief and try acupuncture. While in the hospital, David came up to my room and gave an initial examination. After many questions about my condition and an exam, he applied a few pressure points on my leg. Surprisingly, I had more range of motion in my arm and he thought I would be a good candidate for relief through acupuncture.
I began treatments and remarkably the first treatment left me without pain for 3 hours. That was the most relief I had in 2 1/2 years. After the first three initial treatments, I noticed a remarkable difference in the level of pain ‑ it was a miracle. After a month of treatments I am almost pain free in that arm. Life is so much different because of acupuncture: I have relatively no pain and a much greater range of motion in my arm. I am able to do almost any type of housework and activity. I can sleep again and the depression is lifted. I have a new lease on life because the pain is so much less. Acupuncture probably saved my life.
Since then I have recommended people to try acupuncture because it is so effective, so relaxing and it doesn't have any negative side effects. I enjoy the office help, the people are so helpful and friendly and David really cares about my health and my quality of life.
Thank you David for helping me and to your office staff for helping walk me through those first sessions.
I became very discouraged because any time I tried to do even minor work or anything that required me to be on my feet for any length of time, I would have more pain. Pain seemed to rule my life affecting so many aspects of it such as being unable to take a trip to visit with family or having to watch others do things around the house and yard that I used to be able to do.
I heard about acupuncture through an acquaintance of my wife. That person spoke very highly of David Milbradt and how much he had helped her. I went to the acupressure workshop in this past December, learned more and signed up for a free consultation.
I started treatments in December and after the first three treatments felt pain free for the first time in many years. I can turn my head from side to side now without pain and with continued treatment I am for the most part without pain. I plan on continuing having treatments until I am cured. Recently I had some knee and leg pain and David treated that, too. I am amazed at how good I feel every time I have a treatment. At this time, I have cut down the amount of Prednisone I'm taking and soon will be completely off of it.
Coming to the clinic is a very uplifting experience. David, Margo, Sheri and Joel are very caring. Everyone is as happy and excited as I am when I tell them how great I feel. I am starting to feel more optimistic and enjoying life more. I have and will continue to recommend Abundance Acupuncture to others.
Dick S. April 22, 2006
I tried treatment from other acupuncturists with no change to my condition. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after 5 treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 90% better.
I now feel acupuncture is an amazingly effective therapy. I am able to have complete mobility of my arm so I can live my life pain free. During the treatments I felt relaxed. The clinic is great and the staff is great. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because when it works for you it can change your life.
I also found it difficult to sleep, which left me feeling fatigued, irritable, and hopeless. This made it difficult for me to do any exercise or activity that involved my arms. It would hurt to lift weights or raise may arms above my head. It made it hard to pick up my daughter and take the dog for a walk. My knees would get sore from doing aerobics and other high impact activities.
I went to physical therapy but it made the pain worse. I tried chiropractic, went to an orthopedic doctor, and even had an appointment with a rheumatologist. I tried medications such as Ibuprofen, Excedrin, and muscle relaxers but everything I tried seem to make very little change in the intensity of my pain over all.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after nine treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 75 % better. I now feel more energetic and I am able to exercise more easily without pain or with much less pain. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like my irritability, fatigue, and with the stomach and intestinal issues. During the treatments I felt a gentle prick and then the energy. I relaxed and fell asleep during most treatments. The clinic is very peaceful and calming and the staff is caring and helpful.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with chronic pain because it really works to get to the source of the problem and doesn’t cover up the pain or symptoms. It really helps!
Back & Shoulder Pain and Constipation
It was difficult for me to play with my three year old son, work as a Registered Nurse, and the pain interfered with my general activities of daily living.
I tried medications such as Vicodin and Ibuprofen but they made me feel like a zombie. I also tried physical therapy and chiropractic, but I always felt worse after treatments and at times I missed months of work. During my first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture I was asked to raise my arm with the restricted shoulder and I could! At this point in time my condition feels 99% better. My shoulder has a normal range of motion without pain and my back feels like there never was a problem. I have more energy, have lost 20 pounds, and I am able to do anything, but most importantly, I can play with my son.
I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like chronic constipation that had been bothering me since childhood causing constant abdominal pain and bloating. I am now having regular daily bowel movements for the first time that I can remember. With the treatments I started having lighter periods and I just found out that I am pregnant. During the treatments I felt relaxed, calm, and woke myself many times with my own snoring. The clinic is welcoming and the staff is warm and friendly.
I would recommend acupuncture to all because this was my last resort prior to back surgery for three herniated disks and one bulged disk and now I feel better than I have in years. Shoulder Pain and Constipation
I could not take medications because I had stomach problems so I tried surgery, physical therapy, and chiropractic. Only the chiropractic helped a little.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after one treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 70% better. I now feel less pain and my daily life has improved. I can drink my coffee with one hand, work, fish, and go hunting. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like my chronic constipation and I am sleeping better.
The treatments were painless and relaxing. The clinic is very nice and the staff is great. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with health problems because it helped me greatly. More Constipation Testimonials Shoulder with Limited Range of Motion
After 10 months of doing this I finally went to a chiropractor who put my shoulder back in place but, my range of motion never went back to normal. I was told to try physical therapy to achieve normal range of motion. I thought, “physical torture; no thank you”.
In February 2011 I attended a workshop by Dr. David Milbradt on “How Acupuncture Restores Health”. In this presentation he read a testimonial and showed a picture of a patient that could not raise her arm up to her shoulder. After one treatment she could raise her arm over her head. “Awesome,” I thought, “maybe it will work for my shoulder”. And it did! After a few treatments I was able to reach in back and hook my bra. How wonderful such a small thing can be! The pain is gone and I have full range of motion.
It is great to be back in working condition with no handicaps! Thank you, David and Shari. Thank you, Chinese medicine! A Miraculous Shoulder Treatment
I was renting an apartment from David Milbradt and I told him about the accident 18 hours after it happened. At that time I could only lift my left arm up about 40° and we decided to try acupressure. David pressed two points on my right lower leg and had me take three deep breaths. It only took a couple of minutes and afterwards my arm was 100% completely mobile. The next day I was able to work for 11 hours painting ceilings with a smile on my face. I got a call fro the surgeon’s office that afternoon offering to schedule surgery. I said, “No thanks, I had a two minute acupressure treatment, and the shoulder was fine today.”
This kind of acupressure is incredible. I would recommend acupressure to anyone with acute injuries because Western medicine is expensive and only masks an injury. This is the most unbelievable healing experience of my life, a true miracle. David’s treatment was amazing. See The Treatment I Used on PrestoPainGo.com
Mr. David Milbradt L.Ac. 119 E. Mackie St. #2 Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Dear Mr. Milbradt,
I just want to take a moment to express my thanks for taking the time to explain my shoulder pain to me. I couldn't believe how fast I had total shoulder movement without pain after just one treatment. I don't understand how it works, but I can tell you that it does work. Please thank your staff for me also. I received lots of good information and never felt like 1 was asking a foolish question.
Sincerely, Fred K. Daily Headaches and Shoulder Pain
First, I think it is important to give you a little bit of background on me so you can understand the impact acupuncture has had on my life: I am 48 years old, have been a competitive swimmer since I was 7, and have been competing in triathlons for 13 years. In September 2010, my husband and I finished Ironman Wisconsin together: swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.2 miles.
In October 2010, I was not feeling very well and was struggling with a headache and sinus congestion. Thinking it was just allergies, I took some over the counter drugs to relieve both the sinus pressure and the headache. Much to my surprise, I wasn’t getting any relief. Within a few days, the headache was so severe I started waking up throwing up in the middle of the night. I couldn’t even move my neck because the pain started to go down the right shoulder and into my arm.
Then, one evening it was so bad I asked my husband to take me to the emergency room. (We have been married 24 years and I have never asked him to take me to the doctor, so you know it was pretty severe) I actually thought I was having a stroke because it was extremely difficult for me to concentrate and get my words out. At the emergency room, they did a cat scan and couldn’t see anything, so they put me on some very strong pain meds to relieve the pain of the headache. Within a few days we had an appointment with a neurologist at the UW-Hospitals. To make a long story short, four months later, many, many tests and almost daily headaches, the neurologist still was at a loss as to what was going on.
In March he recommended that I try alternative medicine and so my husband recommended acupuncture. As a veterinarian, he was reading in his veterinary journals and medical journals that this form of alternative medicine was making a rather significant difference in both people and animals. Plus, we had a few friends who were recommending it to us as well.
So I made the call to Abundance Acupuncture and began my ‘alternative’ treatments. I came in very skeptical, as I had truly had it with what was going on, as I was pretty much not functional all this time. Plus, I am leery of trying new things anyway, so for me, this was a stretch. All I can say is: Simply amazing. My treatments began at the end of March. By the end of April, I had gone from almost daily headaches to only having 3 headaches in the month of April. In May, I had only had 1 severe headache. Life was almost back to normal. By the end of May, I was given permission to start running again. I couldn’t believe it. Back in November I thought my way of life of exercising every day and being able to do the things I enjoy was over and after two months of acupuncture I could start doing everything again.
Now, I swear by acupuncture. In the fall of 2011, I did my first ½ marathon and the following spring began competing again in triathlons. I go to acupuncture even if I start to feel any discomfort at the back of my head, or in my right shoulder. It has been the best thing I could have ever done. No pain meds have been needed since March 2011. Acupuncture has truly been a blessing in my life.
Plus, to top it all off, after thinking I would not be able to compete again, I was very blessed to be able to take part and finish Ironman Wisconsin 2012! Thank you Abundance Acupuncture. I tell all my friends and anyone who asks about you!
Rita H. Wife of 1 Mom of 3 2 time Ironman Wisconsin Finisher
Relief from Neck and Shoulder Whip Lash Pain
My wife had read about acupuncture and started getting treatments for her leg problems. I had a lot of apprehension about Chinese medicine and I waited to see how the treatments worked for her. Then I decided to give it a try.
I started acupuncture in March 2012. With the first few treatments I didn’t notice much difference, but then I noticed that my aches and pains were beginning to go away. When I began treatments I had rated my pain at a level 10 out of 10 and I would now rate it at a level 2. I also suffered from dizziness and this too began to subside.
I feel much, much better than before I started and I’m so glad that I decided to get acupuncture treatments. I would recommend them to anyone. Anonymous
Very Painful Frozen Right Shoulder
Gradually, range of movement returned and I can now reach out and up. After a few treatments, I was feeling better overall; just more relaxed because I didn't have the constant pain.
The actual treatment is not painful. Acupuncture can be an effective treatment for pain and at Abundance Acupuncture; you will receive considerate care for your condition.
Victoria S. July 26, 2005
Relief from Severe Shoulder, Wrist & Foot Pain
I tried medications such as over the counter pain relief, muscle relaxers, cortisone shots in my foot and had surgery on one side of my hand to resolve these problems with results of only temporary relief of pain and needing more surgery on the other side of my hand. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after my first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 90% better. I now feel pain free. I am able to move about in a normal manner and I no longer need the surgery on my wrist. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like hot flashes.
The clinic is peacefully comforting and the staff is extremely caring and so very helpful. The herbs and supplements recommended by Abundance Acupuncture also helped. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone suffering from anything. It truly balances out your body and your body in turn is guided to heal itself with the proper treatment. It’s all natural and no poison (medication) needs to enter your body. Acupressure for Shoulder Pain
My name is Richard D. I came to an acupressure pain relief clinic held by Abundance Acupuncture in May 2008, because I had pain and limited range of motion in my left shoulder. I had this problem for 2 years. The pain was sharp, stabbing, and went up to a level ten out of ten. It was impossible to lift my left arm and at night it would just ache while I was in bed. It also interrupted my sleeping, caused depression, irritability, and made it difficult for me to enjoy everything in life. It was hard to shower, change my clothes, eat, reach for my billfold, close the car door, or even pet the dog.
I tried medications such as four Cortisone shots, Vicodin, physical therapy, and chiropractic to resolve this pain, but no one could fix it. I was even considering undertaking another surgery.
I began to feel improvement in my shoulder pain and had an increase in the range of motion in my arm seconds after getting the acupressure treatment. Even now, nine days later, my shoulder still feels much better. I’m happy because I have less pain and can now move my arm. For the first time in two years I can bathe and apply deodorant under my arm. If David was a girl I would hug and kiss him.
Acupressure for Shoulder Pain 07
I tried medications such as Bayer/Back & Body to resolve this pain but in only covered up the problem for a day and the pain would return the next day. I began to feel 100 % improvement in my pain seconds after getting acupressure treatment. At this point in time, two days after the acupressure my shoulder still feels 100% better. I now feel no achy sensations or sharp pains. It is amazing and difficult to believe.
Insomnia, Fatigue, and Shoulder Pain
These problems kept me from assisting my children and interfered with other daily activities like being able to go on long walks. I tried physical therapy, ibuprofen which took some of the edge off the pain, and sleeping pills that only worked with high dosages.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after five treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95% better! I now feel energetic, well rested, and free from the back pain, shoulder pain, headaches and the bad menstrual cramps. I am able to play tennis, walk for exercise, and play soccer with my kids. I have also had significant improvement with the dermatitis on my face and I have lost five pounds!
During the treatments I felt my stress being released. They were relaxing and peaceful. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is patient, caring, and understanding.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone of any age because it can improve anyone’s health. When your body is functioning at a higher level it opens up a whole new world for you and everyone that you come in contact with. More Menstrual Problem Testimonials
Neck, Upper Back Pain, and Migraines
I have been suffering from chronic lower back pain for twenty years due to a back injury that I incurred when I was 19 years old. Because of a weakness in my spine in the lower back, I had also been diagnosed with a bulging disk when I was 39. When my back would go out, it would literally put me on my knees. I have treated this condition with muscle relaxants, ibuprofen, chiropractic and physical therapy. The condition would improve but never go away. These lower back attacks could happen once a month or twice a year. I never knew when, but I usually had some minor discomfort before it would happen, although not always. If I felt the back attack coming on, I would take ibuprofen and get a chiropractic treatment as soon as possible. However as I noted, I didn’t always know when there would be an attack.
I have also been suffering with upper back, shoulder and neck pain for the past eleven years, which I believe is due to many hours of computer work daily. There have been days when this pain would also trigger a severe tension or migraine headache.
Because of these major health issues, I was personally dealing with chronic fatigue, which in my own opinion, was also leading to some depression. Even though I wanted to be happy and active, I just didn’t have the energy. It took all of my available effort to accomplish the smallest tasks on some days. There was sort of a snowball effect which lead to other issues. I am hypothyroid, so weight gain is a constant issue and when you don’t have any ambition for any physical activities after work, exercise isn’t an option and weight gain is inevitable. My mental health was to the point where I would wake up to go to work and would count how many hours it would be until I could come home and take a nap! Not much for any quality of life since most every day I would take a nap after work. In 2002, I also took on the undaunting task of returning to college full time to pursue my bachelor’s degree. So between full time work, school, mother and anything else, I realized I was a physical wreck.
I didn’t know of anyone that used acupuncture, but I felt that since I had tried so many different avenues for pain relief and was never really pain free, I decided to give acupuncture a try. When I had my initial consultation, I wasn’t sure that I liked everything that I was told because it meant making some life changes for me and I wasn’t sure I was entirely ready for some of those changes. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous about being stuck with multiple needles. However, David was very good with my initial treatments and that helped to calm my nerves during the treatments. After my first four treatments, I already had relief from the lower back pain. I didn’t understand it, but for the first time in twenty years, I could lay on my back without discomfort. I have basically had no lower back pain since early February!
The next area that we started working on in my treatments was the upper back, neck and shoulder pain. This has been more challenging since I never really get to give that area any rest. My full time job requires me to be on the computer for many hours daily and my school work also drove many nights of computer work also. As of today, this pain and discomfort is minimized by at least 70-80 percent from what it was when I started treatments.
Because of these improvements, we have been able to work on other health issues. I had been on birth control pills for ten years. After starting acupuncture treatments and learning more about Chinese medicine, I went off the pill in March. We are still working on regulating my monthly cycle and all of the side affects, but there are improvements after two months.
My energy levels have dramatically improved from where I was in January. I no longer have to come home to take naps and have begun an exercise routine. I have been able to lose some weight, although it is a slow process, but it is better than the constant weight gain that I had been experiencing for many years.
I am grateful to the entire staff at Abundance Acupuncture for working with me and my health issues. They are very easy to talk to and listen to my concerns. They are truly excited to see my improvements and give me back a meaningful and productive life again! I have recommended Abundance Acupuncture to many people. I truly don’t know where I would be today without them. I know I would not be as happy and energetic as I am now! I feel like a whole new person!
Kidney Failure Restored
In the spring of 2011, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Failure. My nephrologists said I needed a fistula placed in my left arm to get me ready for dialysis three times a week. I would have said, “Do it today,” but the fact was that the arteries in my right arm were so plugged that it needed surgery first. My right arm was painful, the hand was always cold, and you couldn’t get a good blood pressure reading from that arm. Unfortunately, surgery on my arm required the injection of dye chemicals which would have caused further damage to my kidneys. So I told my doctor no and he said “come back when you can’t stand the pain any more.”
I called David to see if he could help me. I was desperate and I had nothing to loose. After the oriental pulse diagnosis he said that all my organs were shutting down. I had a lot of confidence in him, and signed up for six initial treatments. After the first six treatments I had a new blood test (I had one before I started with David, so I had something to compare it to). Everything had improved including my kidney function which went from a 2.70 (high stage 4) to a 1.80 (stage 3). My doctor said I no longer needed dialysis and, even better than the blood test results, was how I felt. Before getting acupuncture I had no energy and some days I would stay in bed all day long. I tried to exercise three times a week at cardiac rehab, but I didn’t have the energy to walk from the parking lot to the exercise room. Now I can do over an hour of exercise three times a week including 25 minutes on the treadmill alone. My blood glucose has improved greatly, I am taking less insulin, and I feel so much better. I don’t have anymore “sick days” that would keep me in bed all day.
I signed up for 22 more treatments for the next two months and with each treatment I feel better and stronger. My last blood test showed that my Kidneys are still improving and are now close to normal. All of my friends can see the difference, even before I tell them that I’m going to Abundance Acupuncture. Not only are the treatments helping me, I am also taking Chinese herbs and supplements that David recommended. The nutritional tips along with the exercise have made me look and feel 10 years younger and I am looking forward to my 75 birthday. All of the “doctoring” I did the previous summer couldn’t do what Abundance Acupuncture did for me in 3 months. Even my right arm has improved. It doesn’t hurt, it is no longer cold all day, and a nurse was able to check my blood pressure on that arm again.
The Staff is great and very helpful. Margo, the receptionist, is very accommodating with scheduling appointments and can put anyone at ease with just a smile. Shari Friedrichs is a licensed acupuncturist who works with David. She has helped me a lot with tips on eating the right foods. The three of them work well together. Thanks to David and Shari I can now plan a 2 month road trip and not an endless round of dialysis three times per week. It is a very good feeling to know that Abundance Acupuncture is there for me when I ever need them again. They will be my first phone call for any health issues. Thank you for giving me my life back.
Ramona H.
Shoulder Pain & Bursitis in the Hip
The pain made it difficult for me to sleep which led to fatigue, irritability, and a sense of hopelessness. It was difficult for me vacuum and bake. I used a cane to help me walk and even found it difficult to think clearly.
I tried Naproxen, Lorazepam, Trazadone, Tylenol 3 with codeine, Melatonin, Tramadol, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, and pain injections. These masked the pain, but it was still there.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after three treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 100% better. I no longer use a cane to walk and I am now able to go out walking for exercise. I am pain free and I can vacuum, bake, and think without pain.