ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis
I tried medications such as prednisone and methotrexate to resolve these problems. The prednisone masked the symptoms, but it did nothing to cure the rheumatoid arthritis. After a while the methotrexate started giving me side effects like hair loss, mouth sores, and skin irritations.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after ten treatments at Abundance Acupuncture and at this point in time my condition feels 90% better. I now feel more like myself. I am able to do my work, cook, drive, crochet, play piano, and do things with my friends again. The herbs provided by Abundance Acupuncture helped to rapidly reduce the swelling in my hands and feet. When the swelling in my hands went down and I was finally able to remove the ring from my finger for the first time in six months I was so excited that I literally jumped for joy!
During the treatments I felt very relaxed and well treated. The clinic is very welcoming and the staff is friendly and informative. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone that needs it because it helps and works. I am so thankful that I went to Abundance Acupuncture. The clinic has been a blessing and both my husband and I have met many nice people there. More Rheumatoid ArthritisTestimonials Quick Relief from Gout Pain
I tried prescribed gout medications, sometimes taking way over the recommended doses, but I only had slow and temporary relief. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after two treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 100% better. There is no swelling or pain and I am able to walk and function like normal. I have also changed my overall mindset about my body’s health. I am exercising more and being more careful about what I eat. During the treatments I felt comfortable and well cared for. The clinic is comfortable and the staff is professional and friendly.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it works. Acupuncture was unbelievably quick in relieving my joint pain! Most of us have heard that the body can heal itself. Acupuncture has proved this to me. More Foot & Leg Pain Testimonials RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS
I had already cut my work day in half. By the time I would get home after four hours I was in tears. I just couldn't stand the pain any longer. It didn't matter if I was standing, sitting, lying down, or walking. I was in constant pain. I finally told my family doctor I wanted to see a specialist and he made an appointment with one in Madison. When I went to see him he told me to go to therapy again and try some other medication for one more year. They had taken x-rays but he had never looked at them. When I went back the next year, ready for war as the pain was getting worse, he said when he looked at the x-rays he could see I was walking bone on bone. So surgery was set up and in 1997 I had both knees replaced, one in May and one that October.
As I was still in pain in my thumbs, neck, and feet I was kept on the indomethacin. After surgery my feet became numb, which at the time I thought was a blessing, but it was just covering the pain. In 2005 I was sent to the hospital for low blood pressure, anemia, and low blood count. They first took me off the indomethacin and aspirin I was taking for the pain, as it was causing me to bleed inside. After they tried two different pain medications, which I could not take, my new family doctor said I should try acupuncture before he tried any more pain medication. He then gave me David Milbradt's phone number. I was very leery as I had never known anyone that had gone to an acupuncturist, but I was willing to try anything. I also had this thing about needles that made me nervous.
When I had my first treatments and the pain was leaving I was very surprised and happy. It has been about 4 months and I have very little pain left. I still have two stubborn thumbs that are almost pain free and the numbness in my feet are gone, but then the pain kicked in, so David has been taking care of them. I also was getting depressed but a few needles in the right place and I felt better. He has also helped me sleep. I do take some herbs that David suggested and am feeling better. I am no longer on pain medication of any kind and have cut my stomach medicine in half. I am hoping to stop them all together.
David, Shari, and Margo are always there for you. They take the time to talk to you, so you feel at ease. The first time you walk in you feel welcome, as they are always so cheerful and friendly. If you have a question they are always willing to help. Oh yah! The needles don't hurt!!
Sharon M.
Recovery From a Broken Arm
I am an aging Baby Boomer who had been diagnosed with Osteopenia in 2009. I was concerned that my broken arm might not heal easily and that my range of motion would be impaired. I am also left handed so it was important to have my left arm heal properly. I had used acupuncture to help with back pain several years earlier and I hoped that it would help with this problem as well. The dull ache in my arm made it difficult to shampoo my hair, tie my shoes, and find a comfortable position to sleep all of which depressed my mood. I wore a cloth sling for six weeks which greatly reduced my physical ability to write, cook, and clean.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after eight treatments (or a month of treatments twice a week) at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95% better. The bone has healed naturally as confirmed by doctor visits and x-ray evaluations and I am able to perform the normal activities of daily living like cleaning floors, washing windows, vacuuming my house, weeding, gardening, and cutting grass with a hand mower. I have no pain in my upper arm, I am regaining my muscle strength, and I can move my arm 360 degrees forward and backward!
During the treatments I felt very relaxed and confident that my body and left arm would heal and return to good health without the need for surgery. The clinic is very competent and the staff is caring and understanding.
I recommend acupuncture to everyone I know because it has a long history of helping the human body and keeping general health at a high level without the need for expensive drugs or surgery. I am very pleased with my level of progress in Physical Therapy. After eleven sessions in the last five weeks my therapist, Kelly Lynch in Watertown, WI was amazed at my level of response. “Your progress has been phenomenal”. Mark Roman M.D., my orthopedic doctor, said that my recovery was in the top 2% of patients. More Injury Recovery Testimonials Severe Tendonitis
I had been suffering with pretty severe tendonitis in my right elbow for over a year and a half when I first spoke with David Milbradt about acupuncture as a possible treatment. My 'regular' doctor had given me a cortisone shot and said I could have one more shot and if that didn't work we'd be looking at surgery to get rid of the problem, which didn't interest me at all. I play bass guitar and use a computer daily, the pain was so bad I couldn't lift weights at all, and if I played guitar for any length of time my arm would hurt so much it was hard to even pick up a glass of water.
David said he could get rid of it, so I signed up for four treatments. The pain was GONE after treatment number one. I did come back for the other three treatments and have seen him for other problems since, but my tendonitis was gone since treatment number one and hasn't returned at all and it's been over a year now. I'm lifting weights and playing all the guitar I want to without any problems! Amazing! It saved me from having a surgery!
I highly recommend acupuncture to anyone and everyone that will listen to me these days, it's been a great help to both my wife and I. The treatments are wonderful and relaxing and I truly believe that they will improve your overall health as well as taking care of the main problem that brought you to the clinic in the first place, whatever that is. Please don't let the fear of trying something new stop you from using acupuncture; it's a healthy, natural way to better health and pain free living.
Sincerely, David G. Pain in the Thumb
I had been in this condition since March of 2002 with pain just about every day of the three years with little or no relief. I went to the doctor and had x‑rays and found no cracks or breaks. The doctor said, “just soft tissue damage”. He told me to take Ibuprofen for the inflammation and that it would go away. About a year later after taking pills like candy I went back to the doctor and had more x‑rays. The doctor sent me to physical therapy. I tried warm water soaking then electric shock for about eight weeks with little to no relief
Three years later I began to see David Milbradt. I was amazed with the information he had concluded from the consultation. With just one needle I had noticeable relief. After four or five treatments I was amazed at how my thumb was feeling, I stated to David that it's a miracle the pain was almost gone. The treatment I thought was funny because the pain was in my right thumbs and the treatment was one needle in my left big toe. I thought the treatment would hurt but there was just the tapping of his finger and then the connection of the needle and the Qi of my body.
Now I'm free to use my thumb anytime I want to and have total confidence in it. I have also had treatments for tennis elbow with great results. I will use acupuncture for any other ailments that may occur in the future instead of going to my HMO. I can't see taking chemicals to fix something that something natural can do better, without any side effects. I have total confidence in acupuncture and will continue to use it as long as I can.
David F. July 2005
Hand Pain
I tried chiropractic to help with my tight back, but the tightness always returned. I began to feel some or significant improvements in my condition after several treatments at Abundance Acupuncture and at this point in time my condition feels 90-95% better. I now feel like to doing everything I used to do before last February’s surgery.
During the treatments I felt very relaxed. The clinic is super and the staff is top notch. I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because it really does improve one’s quality of life.
Relief from Neuropathy
Pain pills did not help at all so I tried anti-neuroleptic medications and hand therapy with only temporary and very minimal results. I also had allergic reactions to most of the medications I took.
I began to feel significant improvements with the first four to six treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my neuropathy feels 60 to 75% better. I can do buttons and zippers, pick up coins, do sewing by hand, and put on most of my jewelry by myself. Walking is getting easier and I can now feel the car accelerator under my foot. I no longer have back pain, I have been able to eliminate my allergy and blood pressure medications, and the Chinese herbs provided by Abundance Acupuncture have helped reduce my edema and improved my energy level.
I felt relaxed during the treatments energized and amazingly good after them. The clinic is flexible with scheduling, it’s a great environment for healing, and the staff is awesome. I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because it promotes better health and cures heath issues without the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. As an R.N. I have learned much in the past few months that I never learned in 40 years of nursing. I recommend Abundance Acupuncture to everyone I talk to. More Medication Elimination Testimonials Relief from Severe Shoulder, Wrist & Foot Pain
I tried medications such as over the counter pain relief, muscle relaxers, cortisone shots in my foot and had surgery on one side of my hand to resolve these problems with results of only temporary relief of pain and needing more surgery on the other side of my hand. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after my first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 90% better. I now feel pain free. I am able to move about in a normal manner and I no longer need the surgery on my wrist. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like hot flashes.
The clinic is peacefully comforting and the staff is extremely caring and so very helpful. The herbs and supplements recommended by Abundance Acupuncture also helped. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone suffering from anything. It truly balances out your body and your body in turn is guided to heal itself with the proper treatment. It’s all natural and no poison (medication) needs to enter your body. More Shoulder Pain Testimonials Chronic, All Over, Aches and Pains
I tried medications such as Aleve, Tylenol, muscle relaxants, and Trazadone, but I continued to be fatigued and in a lot of pain. I started to feel significant improvements and was able to move my neck with less pain during my first treatment. Now I am feeling great! I have less pain, feel more energetic, and I am able to do the things I enjoy that I haven’t been able to do in years. I am less depressed and I have been able to eliminate a number of medications which I had been taking for years and years. During the treatments I felt relaxed and could actually feel the pain melting away. The staff at the clinic is very friendly and helpful. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who hurts because it works. More Fibromyalgia Testimonials More Chronic Fatigue Testimonials More Medication Elimination Testimonials
Kidney Failure Restored
In the spring of 2011, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Failure. My nephrologists said I needed a fistula placed in my left arm to get me ready for dialysis three times a week. I would have said, “Do it today,” but the fact was that the arteries in my right arm were so plugged that it needed surgery first. My right arm was painful, the hand was always cold, and you couldn’t get a good blood pressure reading from that arm. Unfortunately, surgery on my arm required the injection of dye chemicals which would have caused further damage to my kidneys. So I told my doctor no and he said “come back when you can’t stand the pain any more.”
I called David to see if he could help me. I was desperate and I had nothing to loose. After the oriental pulse diagnosis he said that all my organs were shutting down. I had a lot of confidence in him, and signed up for six initial treatments. After the first six treatments I had a new blood test (I had one before I started with David, so I had something to compare it to). Everything had improved including my kidney function which went from a 2.70 (high stage 4) to a 1.80 (stage 3). My doctor said I no longer needed dialysis and, even better than the blood test results, was how I felt. Before getting acupuncture I had no energy and some days I would stay in bed all day long. I tried to exercise three times a week at cardiac rehab, but I didn’t have the energy to walk from the parking lot to the exercise room. Now I can do over an hour of exercise three times a week including 25 minutes on the treadmill alone. My blood glucose has improved greatly, I am taking less insulin, and I feel so much better. I don’t have anymore “sick days” that would keep me in bed all day.
I signed up for 22 more treatments for the next two months and with each treatment I feel better and stronger. My last blood test showed that my Kidneys are still improving and are now close to normal. All of my friends can see the difference, even before I tell them that I’m going to Abundance Acupuncture. Not only are the treatments helping me, I am also taking Chinese herbs and supplements that David recommended. The nutritional tips along with the exercise have made me look and feel 10 years younger and I am looking forward to my 75 birthday. All of the “doctoring” I did the previous summer couldn’t do what Abundance Acupuncture did for me in 3 months. Even my right arm has improved. It doesn’t hurt, it is no longer cold all day, and a nurse was able to check my blood pressure on that arm again.
The Staff is great and very helpful. Margo, the receptionist, is very accommodating with scheduling appointments and can put anyone at ease with just a smile. Shari Friedrichs is a licensed acupuncturist who works with David. She has helped me a lot with tips on eating the right foods. The three of them work well together. Thanks to David and Shari I can now plan a 2 month road trip and not an endless round of dialysis three times per week. It is a very good feeling to know that Abundance Acupuncture is there for me when I ever need them again. They will be my first phone call for any health issues. Thank you for giving me my life back.
Ramona H.