Knee & Foot Pain
name is Judy P. and I need to confess on how skeptical I was about getting
treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. I had attended a workshop in the fall of
2007 and listened to David Milbradt speak about Acupuncture, but I thought it sounded too
good to be true. I waited almost a year before I finally had to do something
about the pain I was in and by that time I needed a total knee replacement on my
right knee. I was even to the point where I was seriously considering going on
disability and quitting my job of 27 years! I could hardly walk the halls at
work anymore and the thought of walking down those halls just about killed me.
Halfway thru my shift I was popping pain meds just to get thru the rest of my
shift. I thought to myself that this is crazy, and that I will end up killing my
kidneys with all these pills.
So I finally
called the clinic and spoke to Margo, the receptionist, who made me feel very
much at ease, and asked me to come on in and meet with them all. My initial
consultation was quite emotional because I was also very depressed at that time
about my failing health and dealing with a personal loss of a death in my
immediate family. Shari was very reassuring and told me they could help me. Well
they sure did! Since my first treatment in May 2008, I have not taken any
pain meds. I can easily walk the halls at work, and I am not going to be forced
to retire as early as I thought I would. My right knee is so much better that I
am trying to put off another knee replacement to my left knee now. They not only
helped me with my knee pain and depression, but I had plantar fasciitis as well,
and that has also been resolved. I would definitely rate my pain as 80‑90%
It is so
relaxing and calming at the clinic that I actually look forward to my little
naps there! If anyone had told me that I would fall asleep with needles in my
body I would have told them that they were crazy! I hardly feel them, and after
they are in you do not even know that they are even there. I am ever so grateful
to David, Jonah, Margo, and Shari. They have changed my life entirely! I wish I
would have done this prior to my having a total knee replacement. What a
god‑send you all are to me! I also love the music and the flowers!! Thanks again
to you all!!!
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More Hip Pain
Knee Pain & Ringing in the Ears
name is Lyle D. Schreiber. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in January 2010
because I was suffering from low back pain and constant knee & leg pain which
had both bothered me for years. The pain interrupted my sleep and made me feel
irritable, depressed, and hopeless. I just couldn’t be myself.
I tried arthroscopic surgery twice and chiropractic but they only gave me
temporary relief at best. Some doctors told me that my only other option was
knee replacement surgery. Other doctors said I would just have to live with the
constant pain. I felt that no one could help me and then I discovered the
miracle of acupuncture.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after one treatment
at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 98% better. I
now feel alive again and I am able to do activities such as taking walks and
exercising again. I have also had significant improvement in my low back pain
and the disturbing ringing in my ears has reduced dramatically. During the
treatments I felt relaxed enough that I would often fall asleep. The clinic is
outstanding and the staff is great. They work with you to make appointments that
fit your schedule.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who has been living with pain because
it just plain works. I came in as a doubting Thomas. Even though my insurance
wouldn’t cover my treatments this was the best investment I have every made.
So don’t let pain command your life. Invest in acupuncture; you’ll be glad
you did.
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Acupressure Eliminates Knee Pain
name is Betty B. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in July, 2015 because I had
been suffering from right knee pain for four years. At times my knee was so
painful I could hardly walk. I could barely go down my steps in the basement to
do my laundry. It made it difficult for me to sleep and it left me feeling
fatigued, irritable and embarrassed. It was even hard for me to get up in the
middle of the night and go to the bathroom.
I tried medications such as Moving Free
(glucosamine) and Tylenol. Chiropractic helped for a while and then even that
didn’t help.
I began to feel some improvements in my
condition after my first acupressure treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. During
this treatment I learned the correct acupressure points for treating my knee and
how to do the acupressure myself. Then I was able to continue using these
points between treatments whenever the pain flared up.
At this point in time my condition feels
99% better. I now feel better than I have in years. It feels good to able to
do my housework and laundry without pain. I have more energy so I can take
better care of my ill husband and I am not taking any
I would
recommend acupressure to anyone because it really does work without any meds or
surgery. People can’t believe I have not had my knee replaced (even my
daughter, who has been a Registered Nurse for many years). Thank you so much!
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Pain Testimonials
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twenty five years ago I went to the family doctor with severe pain in my
knees. He gave me a shot of cortisone, which helped for about a year. I went
back for the miracle shot for three more years. The next time I went in he said
he wouldn't give me another shot as it did deteriorate the bones. I was sent to
physical therapy for the next several years and given an arthritis medication,
indomethacin. Nothing seemed to help I went from a cane, to a walker. He said I
had to live with the pain.
I had already cut my work day in half. By the time I would get
home after four hours I was in tears. I just couldn't stand the pain any longer.
It didn't matter if I was standing, sitting, lying down, or walking. I was in
constant pain. I finally told my family doctor I wanted to see a
specialist and he made an appointment with one in Madison. When I went to see
him he told me to go to therapy again and try some other medication for one more
year. They had taken x-rays but he had never looked at them. When I went back
the next year, ready for war as the pain was getting worse, he said when he
looked at the x-rays he could see I was walking bone on bone. So surgery was set
up and in 1997 I had both knees replaced, one in May and one that October.
As I was still in pain in my thumbs, neck, and feet I was
kept on the indomethacin. After surgery my feet became numb, which at the time I
thought was a blessing, but it was just covering the pain. In 2005 1
was sent to the hospital for low blood pressure, anemia, and low blood count.
They first took me off the indomethacin and aspirin I was taking for the pain,
as it was causing me to bleed inside. After they tried two different pain
medications, which I could not take, my new family doctor said I should try
acupuncture before he tried any more pain medication. He then gave me David
Milbradt's phone number. I was very leery as I had never known anyone that had
gone to an acupuncturist, but I was willing to try anything. I also had this
thing about needles that made me nervous.
When I had my
first treatments and the pain was leaving I was very surprised and happy. It has
been about 4 months and I have very little pain left. I still have two stubborn
thumbs that are almost pain free and the numbness in my feet are gone, but then
the pain kicked in, so David has been taking care of them. I also was getting
depressed but a few needles in the right place and I felt better. He has also
helped me sleep. I do take some herbs that David suggested and am feeling
better. I am no longer on pain medication of any kind and have cut my
stomach medicine in half. I am hoping to stop them all together.
David, Shari, and Margo are always there for you. They
take the time to talk to you, so you feel at ease. The first time you walk in
you feel welcome, as they are always so cheerful and friendly. If you have a
question they are always willing to help. Oh yah! The needles don't hurt!!
Sharon M.
More Arthritis
More Thumb
Pain Testimonials
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name is Darlene C. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in March 2007 because I was
suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. I had this problem for
24 years. This problem encompassed my whole body starting with my upper and
lower extremities, wrists, and knees. Because made it difficult for me to walk,
go up and down stairs, and do normal household activities such as wringing out a
mop, sweeping, etc. it left me feeling fatigued, irritable, and hopeless.
I tried medications such as Plaquenil and Trental and even
arthroscopic surgery but, no loose or crumbled ligaments were found. I began to
feel some improvements in my condition after one treatment at Abundance
Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 75 to 100% better and I
am able to do all of my housework with very little discomfort if any at all. I
am able to take part in all family activities except strenuous exercise or
sports. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like
decreased emotional problems with depression, anxiety, and irritability. I have
even lost 7 pounds!
The clinic is very pleasant and warm and the staff is warm and
caring. They make you feel like they’re family and they helped me learn a great
deal about how good posture affects the way you feel and how important proper
nutrition is. This will be the first place I turn to if I have more discomfort
from my arthritis. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because I truly
believe it did me a world of good!!
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Testimonial Index
I wish to write
this letter to thank you once again for the relief your treatment gave me on my
worst day and continues to give me with each treatment. My problems when I came
to you were Arthritis in both knees, both hands, stenosis in lower spine, and
hip pain. I was really hurting all over. This all started in 1994. 1 had
become very limited in what I was able to do. This was very discouraging for me.
Prior to coming
to you I had doctored with many specialists and a chiropractor. I tried many
treatments and medications with no relief When I first came to you I was really
in pain. After 3 treatments I received relief from my pain. Prior to my 5th
visit I had severe pain in my good knee for two
days. I didn't really think that I would get complete relief from this pain, but
I did! On my 5th visit I was completely pain free. My first pain free
day since 1994. HOORAY!! I could hardly believe it!! I was convinced I would
never have a pain free day the rest of my life. I was wrong. I have had several
pain free days thanks to David Milbradt.
I now know and
believe that I can be pain free for the rest of my life, regardless of my age.
To be pain free changes your life. You are more positive about all the things
you are able to do once again. It feels GREAT! You and your staff are very
kind and committed people. You care about your patients. That is so‑o important.
I wish I would have committed myself to Acupuncture much sooner. I will never
be without it again. You are a GREAT TEAM!
Thank you to
All of You from a Very Grateful Me.
Jane F.
June 28, 2005
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Relief from Butt Pain & Swollen, Painful Legs
name is Jane F. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in July, 2011 because I was
suffering from post operative pain in my butt and severe swelling in my knees.
I had this problem for two and a half years. My knees were so swollen that my
skin was taught, tight, and painful. My butt felt like someone was holding a
hot soldering iron to my skin and the muscle was all knotted up. These problems
made it difficult for me to sleep and left me feeling fatigued. It was too
painful from me to do even simple everyday chores around the house.
I tried medications such as Tylenol, a
muscle relaxant called Flexural, and two hour sessions of physical therapy three
times per week, but only felt very temporary relief.
After eleven treatments at Abundance
Acupuncture my condition now feels 50% better. My knees are less swollen and
are no longer tight and painful. I am able to do more things around the house
without being stopped by the pain. My butt is also less painful and I am able
to hold up longer when I do things away from home. I actually felt some
improvement with each treatment.
The clinic is wonderful and the staff is
very welcoming and friendly. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who has
health problems or pain because I have received relief from both times I came to
David Milbradt for help. This time I was so relieved to be able to get
back to Beaver Dam because I had tried so many other things with out getting any
help. I really felt that if anyone could help me David and his staff would be
able to and I was right.
More Leg Pain Testimonials
More Hip Pain Testimonials
More Edema Testimonials
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Knee Pain and Swelling in the Legs

I first heard
about David through a woman from the University of Wisconsin Medical center who
knew and had seen David Milbradt and she told me, "This man saved my life!" He happened
to be in Beaver Dam, which was really weird. I thought for sure he would be way
on the outskirts of Madison. I came to his office for an Oriental Exam, but I
work till 5:00 PM in Middleton, so he had me talk to Margo, his receptionist, to
see what we could set up for an appointment. She got me in at 6:00 PM.
I stopped at a
gas station on the way and tripped on a rise in the pavement and fell. My knees
hurt so bad I thought I was going to die. I was coming in the first place
because of pain in the knees. I could hardly walk up steps anymore. I told David
about my fall and he pressed on two pressure points and had me stand up and I
said, "Wow! He said, "I like that word." I have been saying a lot of wows since
I have been coming to his office. I used to have some terrible problems with
swelling in my legs. I did one of the cleanses that David recommended and the
swelling is completely gone. The swelling had been so bad that I had gone to see
a medical doctor who stripped the veins in my legs but I still had swelling in
my legs even a year afterwards. It didn't take care of it.
I've seen David
for less than a year and the swelling is gone. The pain in my knees is not
completely gone, but I can walk up and down my steps. As a matter of fact I run
up my steps now at work because I think that's what I should do to keep them
more active. And that's only a small piece. I have a whole list of issues that
he has helped me with. I started getting acid reflux when I was pregnant with my
two girls and I had it for a long time. I found that it was better when I took
coral calcium, but if I didn't take it the acid reflux was back, just like that.
David did a couple needle points and I haven't had it since.
I used to be a
smoker and I don't have the lung problems that I used to have. My nose used to
run whenever I ate and I don't have that anymore either. I used to bite my
tongue daily. I didn't know why. When David did the Oriental Exam he said, "Your
tongue is really swollen and with treatment even that has gone away.
The first time
his name was brought up I remember telling my neighbor, "No way! Needles aren't
for me." Now that I can see the other side of the story and what it can do, it's
really amazing. If you go for treatment you will end up saying "Wow! That's
really weird!" Because you have dealt with pain or a health issue for so long
and he will do a few needle points and you will go home and all of a sudden you
notice it is not happening anymore.
It's not
painful. That was my biggest fear ... needles. On one of my first treatments
David put in a needle and it sent a trigger down to my ankle. It felt like it
was stuck and kind of hurt. I said something to David and he did something to my
wrist and the pain moved out of the wrist. It didn't go completely away and when
he asked if I was O.K. I told him no. It was now stuck in my foot so he pressed
on a finger and the pain went away. It doesn't make sense but it works.
The needles
don't hurt, but sometimes it feels like electricity, good electricity. It's
always been good because I feel so much better when I wake up. I actually take a
nap during the treatment and it's wonderful! It's definitely a positive
Charlotte Holtan
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Headaches, Fatigue, and
Knee/Hip Pain
My name is Lynn S. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in October,
2008 because I was suffering from headaches, fatigue, irregular digestion
(constipation), left knee & hip pain, and weight gain. I had some of
these problems for five years and some so long I no longer remember when they
These problems contributed to a negative “so so” attitude about my life
in general. I was pushing myself to participate only, not living with a
purpose. These problems also caused me to feel irritable and hopeless. The
pain limited my physical activity and made it difficult for me to enjoy exercise
such as walking and biking.
I tried medications such as
Excedrin and Tylenol for pain, nasal steroids for the allergies. I also tried
physical therapy and chiropractic but only felt temporary relief until the next
I began to feel significant
improvements in my condition after five treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At
this point in time my over all condition feels 85 % better. I have had 100%
improvement in my headaches and digestion, so much that I have forgotten the
conditions existed, and these were the primary reasons for trying acupuncture. I
have even lost 6 pounds!
I now feel a positive
instead of negative attitude about myself and I am able to relax and approach
life with less frustration. I now control my thoughts instead of my thoughts
controlling me. I feel less anxiety and frustration and have increased
concentration and more initiative. During the treatments I felt relaxed and
encouraged by the results that I felt after each treatment. The clinic is
professional, yet personable and the staff is very caring.
The most important thing
that I have learned is that the body has an amazing energy that can get caught
in a traffic jam and acupuncture clears the road for the energy to flow. We just
need to recognize the problem and reroute the energy before we crash and burn.
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More Headache
More Fatigue
More Weight
Loss Testimonials
Finally Sleeping Better
name is Alice M. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in June 2013 because I was
suffering from insomnia. I had this problem for many years. Some nights I
would go to sleep, wake up at 1:00 AM, and then stay awake until 4:30 AM. I was
only getting 4 to 5 hours of sleep per night. During the day I was tired and it
was difficult for me to function normally. Often I was too tired to commit to
doing anything and it was hard for me to plan ahead.
I tried medications such as amitriptyline
and bio feedback which helped for a year then quit working.
I began to feel some improvements in my
condition after seven treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in
time my condition feels 80% better. I now sleep through most nights and I am
able to function normally during the day.
I have also had significant improvement
with pain in the back of the knee which flared up while I was getting
During the treatments I felt relaxed and
peaceful. The clinic is clean and the staff is friendly. I would recommend
Abundance Acupuncture to my friends and family because they have surpassed my
expectations. I continue to be amazed at what the clinic has done for me. I
have also learned many things about improving my nutrition while working with
David Milbradt and Shari Friedrichs.
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