ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Kidney Failure Restored
In the spring of 2011, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Failure. My nephrologists said I needed a fistula placed in my left arm to get me ready for dialysis three times a week. I would have said, “Do it today,” but the fact was that the arteries in my right arm were so plugged that it needed surgery first. My right arm was painful, the hand was always cold, and you couldn’t get a good blood pressure reading from that arm. Unfortunately, surgery on my arm required the injection of dye chemicals which would have caused further damage to my kidneys. So I told my doctor no and he said “come back when you can’t stand the pain any more.” I called David to see if he could help me. I was desperate and I had nothing to loose. After the oriental pulse diagnosis he said that all my organs were shutting down. I had a lot of confidence in him, and signed up for six initial treatments. After the first six treatments I had a new blood test (I had one before I started with David, so I had something to compare it to). Everything had improved including my kidney function which went from a 2.70 (high stage 4) to a 1.80 (stage 3). My doctor said I no longer needed dialysis and, even better than the blood test results, was how I felt. Before getting acupuncture I had no energy and some days I would stay in bed all day long. I tried to exercise three times a week at cardiac rehab, but I didn’t have the energy to walk from the parking lot to the exercise room. Now I can do over an hour of exercise three times a week including 25 minutes on the treadmill alone. My blood glucose has improved greatly, I am taking less insulin, and I feel so much better. I don’t have anymore “sick days” that would keep me in bed all day. I signed up for 22 more treatments for the next two months and with each treatment I feel better and stronger. My last blood test showed that my Kidneys are still improving and are now close to normal. All of my friends can see the difference, even before I tell them that I’m going to Abundance Acupuncture. Not only are the treatments helping me, I am also taking Chinese herbs and supplements that David recommended. The nutritional tips along with the exercise have made me look and feel 10 years younger and I am looking forward to my 75 birthday. All of the “doctoring” I did the previous summer couldn’t do what Abundance Acupuncture did for me in 3 months. Even my right arm has improved. It doesn’t hurt, it is no longer cold all day, and a nurse was able to check my blood pressure on that arm again. The Staff is great and very helpful. Margo, the receptionist, is very accommodating with scheduling appointments and can put anyone at ease with just a smile. Shari Friedrichs is a licensed acupuncturist who works with David. She has helped me a lot with tips on eating the right foods. The three of them work well together. Thanks to David and Shari I can now plan a 2 month road trip and not an endless round of dialysis three times per week. It is a very good feeling to know that Abundance Acupuncture is there for me when I ever need them again. They will be my first phone call for any health issues. Thank you for giving me my life back. Ramona H. |