ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Diabetes Reversed
I attended a couple of nutritional workshops at Abundance Acupuncture to learn more about diabetes and they started me on supplemental Chromium Picolinate. I also joined Curves in January 2009. When I visited by doctor a couple months later he said I was no longer diabetic, just borderline. I plan to do my best to keep this condition in check. Diabetes, Arthritis, and IBS
These problems made my life uncomfortable and in the case of the arthritis, problems exercising. In addition to acupuncture I used physical therapy. I was on several medications for my diabetes including Actos, Glyburide and Metformin. I felt great improvement in IBS symptoms and arthritis pain in four months and at that time I had been given the information by David about the negative effects of Actos and the danger to my body. I shared that information with my physician and he took me off of the medication and replaced it with Januvia. Due to that medication change, I lost 22 pounds in 6 months without making any significant changes in my lifestyle. This resulted in lower blood pressure and better blood glucose readings. Without the research knowledge of the staff at Abundance Acupuncture which they shared with me I would probably still be struggling with the above mentioned issues. I would recommend acupuncture as a means of healing and education about our bodies to anyone seeking a more wholistic approach to their health. Relief from Neuropathy
Pain pills did not help at all so I tried anti-neuroleptic medications and hand therapy with only temporary and very minimal results. I also had allergic reactions to most of the medications I took. I began to feel significant improvements with the first four to six treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my neuropathy feels 60 to 75% better. I can do buttons and zippers, pick up coins, do sewing by hand, and put on most of my jewelry by myself. Walking is getting easier and I can now feel the car accelerator under my foot. I no longer have back pain, I have been able to eliminate my allergy and blood pressure medications, and the Chinese herbs provided by Abundance Acupuncture have helped reduce my edema and improved my energy level. I felt relaxed during the treatments energized and amazingly good after them. The clinic is flexible with scheduling, it’s a great environment for healing, and the staff is awesome. I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because it promotes better health and cures heath issues without the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. As an R.N. I have learned much in the past few months that I never learned in 40 years of nursing. I recommend Abundance Acupuncture to everyone I talk to. More Medication Elimination Testimonials