ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Back & Shoulder Pain and Constipation
It was difficult for me to play with my three year old son, work as a Registered Nurse, and the pain interfered with my general activities of daily living.
I tried medications such as Vicodin and Ibuprofen but they made me feel like a zombie. I also tried physical therapy and chiropractic, but I always felt worse after treatments and at times I missed months of work.
During my first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture I was asked to raise my arm with the restricted shoulder and I could! At this point in time my condition feels 99% better. My shoulder has a normal range of motion without pain and my back feels like there never was a problem. I have more energy, have lost 20 pounds, and I am able to do anything, but most importantly, I can play with my son.
I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like chronic constipation that had been bothering me since childhood causing constant abdominal pain and bloating. I am now having regular daily bowel movements for the first time that I can remember. With the treatments I started having lighter periods and I just found out that I am pregnant. During the treatments I felt relaxed, calm, and woke myself many times with my own snoring. The clinic is welcoming and the staff is warm and friendly.
I would recommend acupuncture to all because this was my last resort prior to back surgery for three herniated disks and one bulged disk and now I feel better than I have in years. Relief After 15 Years of Back Pain & Constipation
I tried surgery, physical therapy and chiropractic. I also tried medications such as Ibuprophen, Aleve, Oxycodone, Vicodin, Tramadol, Miralax and additional stool softeners for constipation. I made some progress with a vitamin regimen, but was taken off of it by my Dr. because he thought it would not react well with my other medications. The physical therapy and all the medications never really amounted to much help and for 15 years I didn’t get any better. I was bed-ridden for weeks at a time. My chiropractor told me that he had done all he could do for me.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after 2-3 treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. After a few weeks I was able to stop taking the pain medications and at this point in time my condition feels 70% better. I now feel like there is hope for my future. Now that I am improving physically I am now planning things and following through with my plans.
Herbs and Supplements recommended by Abundance Acupuncture have lead to tremendous improvements with my back pain, bleeding hemorrhoids and constipation. I am feeling less depressed, have been gaining weight, and I am finally getting stronger.
The clinic is great and the staff is wonderful! I recommend acupuncture to anyone who will listen because I have had great success so far and feel like I am on my way to almost a complete recovery.
Insomnia and Constipation
I tried chiropractic and medications such as Ambien, Lunesta, and Lorazapam and herbal sleep aids, but I either had no results at all or I had an unrefreshing drug induced sleep that left me feeling sluggish and foggy all day. I began feeling significant improvement in my insomnia after three treatments and immense continued improvement after seven treatments. At this point in time my condition feels 90% better. I now feel awake and refreshed in the mornings and little to no evening anxiety and headaches. I have a much healthier appetite, am able to exercise daily, and can keep up with the demands of running a household and caring for three lively young children! I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms, like my nearly life long constipation issue I thought I would just have to live with. Not so! What a nice surprise.
During the treatments I felt extremely relaxed after the needles were inserted. Any discomfort I felt was replaced with an almost “floaty” euphoric feeling with a distinct magnetic current moving throughout my body. The clinic is clean with a calming atmosphere and the staff is very genuine, warm, and welcoming.
I would recommend acupuncture to anybody searching for alternative healing because acupuncture can effectively balance the energy of your whole body, both emotional and physical health. It can bring back normal function so as to lead a healthful lifestyle, something everyone deserves to give themselves. Acupuncture can also eliminate the need or dependency on harmful or even potentially dangerous medications that could have lasting side effects on our bodies.
Headaches, Fatigue, and Constipation
These problems contributed to a negative “so so” attitude about my life in general. I was pushing myself to participate only, not living with a purpose. These problems also caused me to feel irritable and hopeless. The pain limited my physical activity and made it difficult for me to enjoy exercise such as walking and biking.
I tried medications such as Excedrin and Tylenol for pain, nasal steroids for the allergies. I also tried physical therapy and chiropractic but only felt temporary relief until the next appointment.
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after five treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my over all condition feels 85 % better. I have had 100% improvement in my headaches and digestion, so much that I have forgotten the conditions existed, and these were the primary reasons for trying acupuncture. I have even lost 6 pounds!
I now feel a positive instead of negative attitude about myself and I am able to relax and approach life with less frustration. I now control my thoughts instead of my thoughts controlling me. I feel less anxiety and frustration and have increased concentration and more initiative. During the treatments I felt relaxed and encouraged by the results that I felt after each treatment. The clinic is professional, yet personable and the staff is very caring.
The most important thing that I have learned is that the body has an amazing energy that can get caught in a traffic jam and acupuncture clears the road for the energy to flow. We just need to recognize the problem and reroute the energy before we crash and burn.
Shoulder Pain and Constipation
I could not take medications because I had stomach problems so I tried surgery, physical therapy, and chiropractic. Only the chiropractic helped a little.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after one treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 70% better. I now feel less pain and my daily life has improved. I can drink my coffee with one hand, work, fish, and go hunting. I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like my chronic constipation and I am sleeping better.
The treatments were painless and relaxing. The clinic is very nice and the staff is great. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with health problems because it helped me greatly. More Constipation Testimonials
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Constipation
It made me feel fidgety, impulsive, irritable, and angry. It also made it difficult for me to sleep and it was hard to go through my days at school. I tried the Feingold diet which helped some to improve my focus, but I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after four months of working with Abundance Acupuncture.
At this point in time my condition feels 75% better. I now feel calmer and more focused. I no longer have any problems with constipation. I am able to follow directions consistently and my body is not in constant motion. I can sit still when I need to and raise my hand instead of talking impulsively. I feel more patience which allows me to be more polite and to integrate into school routines. The feedback that I have heard from teachers at school is that they are amazed at how much I have changed. Also my mother wants to thank you for bringing some normalcy back into our family’s life. The clinic is fabulous and the staff is awesome. I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because it is a simple step in bettering your life.