ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Relief from Butt Pain & Swollen, Painful Legs
I tried medications such as Tylenol, a muscle relaxant called Flexural, and two hour sessions of physical therapy three times per week, but only felt very temporary relief. After eleven treatments at Abundance Acupuncture my condition now feels 50% better. My knees are less swollen and are no longer tight and painful. I am able to do more things around the house without being stopped by the pain. My butt is also less painful and I am able to hold up longer when I do things away from home. I actually felt some improvement with each treatment. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is very welcoming and friendly. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone who has health problems or pain because I have received relief from both times I came to David Milbradt for help. This time I was so relieved to be able to get back to Beaver Dam because I had tried so many other things with out getting any help. I really felt that if anyone could help me David and his staff would be able to and I was right. Knee Pain and Swelling in the Legs I first heard about David Milbradt through a woman from the University of Wisconsin Medical center who knew and had seen David and she told me, "This man saved my life!" He happened to be in Beaver Dam, which was really weird. I thought for sure he would be way on the outskirts of Madison. I came to his office for an Oriental Exam, but I work till 5:00 PM in Middleton, so he had me talk to Margo, his receptionist, to see what we could set up for an appointment. She got me in at 6:00 PM. I stopped at a gas station on the way and tripped on a rise in the pavement and fell. My knees hurt so bad I thought I was going to die. I was coming in the first place because of pain in the knees. I could hardly walk up steps anymore. I told David about my fall and he pressed on two pressure points and had me stand up and I said, "Wow! He said, "I like that word." I have been saying a lot of wows since I have been coming to his office. I used to have some terrible problems with swelling in my legs. I did one of the cleanses that David recommended and the swelling is completely gone. The swelling had been so bad that I had gone to see a medical doctor who stripped the veins in my legs but I still had swelling in my legs even a year afterwards. It didn't take care of it. I've seen David for less than a year and the swelling is gone. The pain in my knees is not completely gone, but I can walk up and down my steps. As a matter of fact I run up my steps now at work because I think that's what I should do to keep them more active. And that's only a small piece. I have a whole list of issues that he has helped me with. I started getting acid reflux when I was pregnant with my two girls and I had it for a long time. I found that it was better when I took coral calcium, but if I didn't take it the acid reflux was back, just like that. David did a couple needle points and I haven't had it since. I used to be a smoker and I don't have the lung problems that I used to have. My nose used to run whenever I ate and I don't have that anymore either. I used to bite my tongue daily. I didn't know why. When David did the Oriental Exam he said, "Your tongue is really swollen and with treatment even that has gone away. The first time his name was brought up I remember telling my neighbor, "No way! Needles aren't for me." Now that I can see the other side of the story and what it can do, it's really amazing. If you go for treatment you will end up saying "Wow! That's really weird!" Because you have dealt with pain or a health issue for so long and he will do a few needle points and you will go home and all of a sudden you notice it is not happening anymore. It's not painful. That was my biggest fear ... needles. On one of my first treatments David put in a needle and it sent a trigger down to my ankle. It felt like it was stuck and kind of hurt. I said something to David and he did something to my wrist and the pain moved out of the wrist. It didn't go completely away and when he asked if I was O.K. I told him no. It was now stuck in my foot so he pressed on a finger and the pain went away. It doesn't make sense but it works. The needles don't hurt, but sometimes it feels like electricity, good electricity. It's always been good because I feel so much better when I wake up. I actually take a nap during the treatment and it's wonderful! It's definitely a positive experience. Charlotte H.