ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Allergies, Migraines, & Overheating
I have gone through surgery to remove my adenoids and tonsils and had two MRI’s to find a cause for my migraines. Results of both MRI’s showed no reason for the migraines. I do go to a homeopathic allergist and that has helped my allergies and reduced the occurrence of migraines. I still take Motrin when necessary to manage the pain of the migraines.
Since coming to Abundance Acupuncture I started feeling significant improvements in all of my health issues after about eight treatments. At this point in time my condition feels 90% better. I now feel less stuffed up from my allergies, my feet have very little skin peeling, I do not over heat as bad, and I have not had a migraine or a nosebleed since starting treatments. I can now play soccer and be very active without worrying about getting a migraine.
During the treatments I felt drowsy and relaxed. When the treatment is over I feel a little dizzy when I sit up, but then that passes and I feel energized. The clinic is very welcoming and the staff is very friendly. Jonah has made me feel very comfortable during all my treatments.
I would recommend acupuncture to anyone of any age because it will improve your quality of life.
Relief From Allergies
I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after four treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. Now I feel 100% better. I am free of allergies and my appetite is more under control. I am sleeping better and don’t eat as much.
During the treatments I felt calm and relaxed. The clinic is very friendly and the staff shows their concern for the patients. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it does help and no drugs are used. Relief from Allergies, Scoliosis, and Restless Legs
In spite of the pain, I made myself go to the Y three days a week for deep water exercise. It hurt to get into the water. On a scale of 1-10 for pain, it was about a 6. All pain went away while I was in the water, but by the time I'd showered and dressed, the pain was worse than ever. About an 8 and there were times I didn't know if I could make it to my car from the locker room. Lifting and bending my leg to get into the driver's seat the pain increased to a 12. It did ease a little while I was driving. Several of my friends recommended David Milbradt and Shari Friedrichs and I decided I had nothing to lose. Progress was very slow because of my age, but there was progress.
Today I am not free of morning pain, but it is so bearable that I feel like dancing. There is no longer pain before I get into the water and the pain after is down to a 2 or 3 and it no longer bothers me to get into the driver's seat. I can now go to the Y, go shopping, come home and put the groceries away and then sit down for a short rest.
But the wonderful surprise was the side benefits. I have suffered with year round allergies from childhood. They are really bad in the spring and then late summer. I was taking two over the counter drugs and three prescription drugs and still having bad days. After starting acupuncture I realized I no longer needed the over the counter drugs and I have cut the dose of one prescription in half. I thumb my nose at the weather man when he announces that tree pollen and mold counts are high.
The other biggest and best relief that I've gotten is worth every cent I've spent on acupuncture. I suffered with restless legs for years. They didn't bother me in bed but just before bed while I was sitting in my chair. I wanted to walk and jump up and down and nothing helped. About two weeks into treatment I realized one night that the restless legs were gone. I was amazed. I still get them mildly very rarely, but the relief is wonderful.
An added bonus was when David started giving me the 5 Emotions treatment. Some needles in my forehead and my attitude has changed. I'm much more relaxed and calm. I don't care if I have to stand in a line at the checkout counter. If I get an incorrect bill on a Saturday when I can't contact the business office, I don't spend the weekend pacing and waiting for the office to open on Monday morning. I used to skip the Y just so I could call right away. Now whenever is the time I call. There are other things more important. Everyone on the staff is very concerned and caring. They are my friends. To sum up: my life has definitely improved since I started acupuncture. The quality is much better.
Bette M. More Restless Leg Syndrome Testimonials Chronic Back Pain and Allergies
I had seasonal and household allergies for 40 years. It created problems with the activities of daily living and I would get sick from the complications of this condition. For example, when people around me wore perfume, it created an allergic reaction that always resulted in me getting sick with both nasal problems and respiratory problems (hoarseness).
I went through multiple series of immunotherapy and I still required prescription allergy medication. My allergies progressed to the point where I had to be put on steroids because of the body itching. I ended up staying away from people and places and not doing the things I liked to do because I would have a reaction to them.
My low back pain started after having children 37 years ago. It put such a strain on my back when I lifted anything more than a few pounds that my low back would go into spasms, I couldn't move, and I would have to crawl to get out of bed. The physician put me on a narcotic and a muscle relaxant with bed rest until it resolved. This caused tremendous fatigue and it would take a week to be able to go back to my activities of daily living. Then I was prescribed 500 mg of naproxen twice a day for maintenance. I was always very active with exercising during this period but it still haunted me. I tried physical therapy which did support my recovery during the exacerbations. However, in order to be pain free, I needed to continue to take the anti‑inflammatory Naproxen. In January 2010, 1 had a major exacerbation while on a trip. When I returned in February, I decided to try acupuncture.
At this point, both my allergies and back problems are 95‑97% improved. I no longer take any medication for allergies or back pain. After going through a course of acupuncture treatments for my allergies, I do not have the intense reaction that I had in the past to the allergens. I no longer need any over the counter or prescription medicines for my allergies. I occasionally have some watery eyes but my eye drops take care of that. Normally when it is hay harvesting time I would have to stay inside and take my medicine. I do not react to the hay these days and it feels great.
As far as my back is concerned, I no longer take any pain killers for back pain. I have reassessed the activities that aggravate my back and have modified my exercise routine. I cannot say that I do not ever have back pain; however I now can identify what causes it, know how to remedy it without medication. This means that my diet has changed as well.
The staff at Abundance Acupuncture is very supportive and like family. I will continue to recommend them to my family and friends. It truly has been a blessing to have started this journey and I look forward to my continued relationship with this office. Allergies
This problem made it difficult to focus or to think clearly. It was like walking around in a fog. I also had the annoyance of having to always carry large quantities of Kleenex around because my nose was always dripping. I was constantly congested and had itchy, watery eyes which irritated my contacts. I had headaches, especially between my eyes, which made it difficult for me to concentrate and work efficiently. I also noticed that I would become tired easily. I tried medications such as Claritin D, Allegra, Nasonex, and a sinus nasal rinse. The nasal rinse helped significantly but I still required daily meds.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after 10 treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 95% better. I am now headache free, my congestion is gone, and I am able to function normally. My thinking is clearer, my eyes do not itch anymore, and I rarely need to blow my nose. I am off the Claratin D, but continue to use the nasal rinse daily.
During the treatments I felt relaxed. Sometimes I could feel my sinuses draining as I rested. I looked forward to having my treatments. The office staff is welcoming and friendly. I would recommend acupuncture to allergy sufferers because I was able to control my allergy problems and improve my overall health.
Depression, Allergies, & Weight Loss
I tried medications such as tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitor antidepressants, and SSRI antidepressants which caused me to gain a lot of weight. The antidepressants also made it difficult to focus my mind and caused problems with my memory. I got some temporary relief from the hip and back pain with chiropractic and physical therapy, but the pain came back again.
I began to feel some improvements in my condition after two or three treatments by David Milbradt at Abundance Acupuncture. In February, after a month of treatments, I felt good enough to start reducing my antidepressant medications. At this point in time my condition feels 80% better. I have stopped taking all of my antidepressants and I now feel good again. I get up and get going everyday and have been able to start living my life again. I feel more comfortable around other people and I am not missing work anymore. I am even able to work 60 hour weeks again.
I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like my acid reflux and irregular bowel movements. I have not had any migraines since I started treatments and have even lost 30 pounds! I stopped taking birth control pills (to control my migraines), stopped needing to take allergy medicine, and have not taken any Tylenol for pain. P.S. It's three years later and Margot has changed so much that we asked if we could take another picture. Since she has felt well enough to exercise she has been working out on a regular schedule. Go Margot!
Severe Post Operative Itching
More Skin Problem Testimonials Foot Pain, Daily Headaches, and More
The foot pain was diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. It started in my heel, then radiated into the arch and ankle making it hard to walk without a limp. The pain was worse if I was on my feet for any longer than two hours, and at night it would wake me up with a throbbing ache. It was hard to work a 4 hour shift at the assisted living facility much less a 6-8 hour day. When I worked 6 hours I could hardly walk the rest of the day and the day after I had to sit with ice off and on. Finding more things to do while sitting became a way of life. I had recently been doing more walking for exercise and it was very depressing to stop being active because of the pain.
I tried wearing foot gear at night but, it irritated other parts of my foot. Injections in the foot did not work for me, and the prescription strength Ibuprofen (Piroxicam) aggravated my acid reflux problem. After 9 months of physical therapy I felt hopeless, fatigued by the disrupted sleep, and tired of going to the therapy sessions. My doctor was considering surgery as a last resort, but I tried acupuncture instead. Now, after three months of treatments at Abundance Acupuncture, my condition feels 90% better. There is only a minimal amount of discomfort in my heel and arch, I am able to work a full 6-8 hour shift on my feet and then continue on to do other activities like gardening and walking later in the day. I can even run around with my grandchildren. I have also had significant improvement in my other symptoms. I no longer have daily headaches or acid reflux. My chest congestion has cleared, allergies are a thing of the past, and sinus issues are minimal. The pains in my upper back, shoulder, elbow, and knee are gone.
Herbs and Supplements recommended by Abundance Acupuncture helped with my allergies, head colds, sinus infections, and stomach problems. An herbal foot soak helped calm the itching I was having all over my body. Even a yeast infection didn’t last long due to the foot soak and acupuncture.
During the treatments I felt calm and relaxed. The staff was very good about keeping me thoroughly informed and comfortable during treatments. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it allowed my body to heal without adding more medications. David Milbradt and Shari Friedrichs gradually helped eliminate the medications which increased my symptoms and health problems. I was never pressured to stop taking any of the meds I was on. When I decided to go off some of the drugs, acupuncture helped make the transition possible so that my body could heal without them. I am very pleased with the outcome – having better health without drugs. Since I started acupuncture I have also learned about acupressure which I can do myself. I find that it is very helpful for simple everyday aches and pains. Testimonials from Patients Who Eliminated Medications