ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Anonymous Testimonials Concerning Private Health Problems Vaginal Dryness and Headaches
I came to Abundance Acupuncture in October of 2008 because I was experiencing severe vaginal dryness. At age 51, 1 thought I was prepared for menopause ‑ hot flashes, moodiness, and irritability... With the kids out of the house and no periods to be concerned about, I thought this was the perfect time for my husband and I to have the intimate relationship we had been lacking. I was not prepared for the excruciating pain of intercourse. We had tried all the over‑the‑counter vaginal moisturizers, jellies, and warming intimate lubricants that are out there with no success. Although I didn't want to use an HRT medication, I was coming to that conclusion. I had gone to visit a friend and she confided that acupuncture had worked for her. I thought I would give it a try. I called Abundance Acupuncture. It took approximately 12 treatments, but during that time, the headaches and migraines I had been suffering with since I was 19 years old were gone. Normally I would have at least two migraines a month and at least four to five headaches weekly. I also stopped my allergy medication (that I had taken year round). Within the first 12 treatments, not only were my headaches 90% improved, but the hot flashes, moodiness, and irritability, everything that I thought I would have to live with for a while improved. Since starting the Wen Jing Tang herbal supplement along with the treatments, our sex life has improved significantly. My mood is better and my attitude is better. I feel overall more at peace and healthier. Acupuncture is a holistic approach, not just the "pop a pill" attitude. The staff at Abundance Acupuncture are professional and personable. They listen. I never feel rushed. The atmosphere and treatments are calming and relaxing. I would highly recommend Abundance Acupuncture before using HRT's or any other medication for a condition that could be healed with acupuncture. Perimenopausal Anxiety & Insomnia
I came to Abundance Acupuncture in April 2009 because I was suffering from anxiety, difficulty sleeping, low energy & fatigue, memory issues, and pelvic pain when ever I had intercourse. I had these problems for over three years and they made me feel frustrated, embarrassed, and desperate. My anxiety made it difficult for me to attend social functions where there were large numbers of people and the sleepless nights drained my energy left me feeling fatigued and irritable. The memory issues made me less productive at work and even interfered with my social life. I tried medications such as Hormone Replacement Therapy and birth control, but ended up with additional problems from constantly changing my medications. I tried chiropractic and even surgery. Nothing worked! I began to feel some improvements in my condition after three treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 70% better. The pelvic pain is completely gone, I am sleeping better, my memory is much improved, and the anxiety is starting to get better. I now feel like I’m starting to get my life back to normal. During the treatments I felt calm and relaxed. The clinic is great and the staff is wonderful. Bladder Prolapse
I came to Abundance Acupuncture in 2008 because I was suffering from bladder prolapse due to a recent pregnancy and delivery. The prolapsed bladder was at its worst for five months and it caused an uncomfortable feeling of often needing to run to the bathroom when actually there was no need at all. This prohibited my much loved walks, I had to restrict my water intake unless I was directly near a rest area, and it caused me worries about the future of my health. Being only 32, this type of problem shouldn’t be an issue for me. So, I thought, “what will it be like at 50?” I was looking at surgery within the next 20 years, and was told to hold out until I was sure that I would not have more children, but that was too long for me to wait for relief. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after two weeks of treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 90% better. Now, I only feel the symptoms on random days, spaced out weeks apart, and I am able to walk and go long distances before needing to stop for a bathroom break. I no longer feel the regular pressure of a low and full bladder. I have also had significant improvement in other minor health issues like my weak and achy knees, droopy heavy eye lids, my weak stomach, and faulty digestive system. All of these problems have been 80 to 90% resolved. During the treatments I felt calm and relaxed, while inside my body I could feel the sensations of the movement of fluids, especially in my abdomen. The clinic is well organized and the staff is attentive and proactive in the healing process. I would recommend acupuncture to all those people who have exhausted their time and money with traditional physicians and “specialists” with little or no results. More Bladder Problem Testimonials Urinary Pain & Interstitial Cystitis
My name is Sandy M. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in 2010 because I was suffering from painful urination which was diagnosed as interstitial cystitis. I had intense, “teeth gnashing” pain before, during, and after urination, frequent and urgent urges to urinate with incomplete emptying of my bladder, and woke up two or three times every night to urinate. When this problem began in 1992 it bothered me off and on, then five years ago, it became a constant and continuous annoyance. Although urination is a simple and necessary body function this problem made it difficult to go very far between bathrooms or have intercourse. It consumed my attention, interrupted my sleep, and left me feeling irritable, depressed, and hopeless. I tried medications such as Flomax and Klonopin, pulse galvanic stimulation, and even had interstim implant surgery without significant improvements. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after the first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 50% better. The frequency of urinary urgency has been reduced, there is significantly less pain, and I am sleeping much better. |