ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Bladder Prolapse
I came to Abundance Acupuncture in 2008 because I was suffering from bladder prolapse due to a recent pregnancy and delivery. The prolapsed bladder was at its worst for five months and it caused an uncomfortable feeling of often needing to run to the bathroom when actually there was no need at all. This prohibited my much loved walks, I had to restrict my water intake unless I was directly near a rest area, and it caused me worries about the future of my health. Being only 32, this type of problem shouldn’t be an issue for me. So, I thought, “what will it be like at 50?” I was looking at surgery within the next 20 years, and was told to hold out until I was sure that I would not have more children, but that was too long for me to wait for relief. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after two weeks of treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 90% better. Now, I only feel the symptoms on random days, spaced out weeks apart, and I am able to walk and go long distances before needing to stop for a bathroom break. I no longer feel the regular pressure of a low and full bladder. I have also had significant improvement in other minor health issues like my weak and achy knees, droopy heavy eye lids, my weak stomach, and faulty digestive system. All of these problems have been 80 to 90% resolved. During the treatments I felt calm and relaxed, while inside my body I could feel the sensations of the movement of fluids, especially in my abdomen. The clinic is well organized and the staff is attentive and proactive in the healing process. I would recommend acupuncture to all those people who have exhausted their time and money with traditional physicians and “specialists” with little or no results. Urinary Pain & Interstitial Cystitis
My name is Sandy M. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in 2010 because I was suffering from painful urination which was diagnosed as interstitial cystitis. I had intense, “teeth gnashing” pain before, during, and after urination, frequent and urgent urges to urinate with incomplete emptying of my bladder, and woke up two or three times every night to urinate. When this problem began in 1992 it bothered me off and on, then five years ago, it became a constant and continuous annoyance. Although urination is a simple and necessary body function this problem made it difficult to go very far between bathrooms or have intercourse. It consumed my attention, interrupted my sleep, and left me feeling irritable, depressed, and hopeless. I tried medications such as Flomax and Klonopin, pulse galvanic stimulation, and even had interstim implant surgery without significant improvements. I began to feel some improvements in my condition after the first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 50% better. The frequency of urinary urgency has been reduced, there is significantly less pain, and I am sleeping much better. Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme’s Disease
When I came to Abundance Acupuncture late in October 2015 I was having debilitating pain in my right SI joint and nerve pain jumping down my leg to my right foot. There was always constant pain in my SI joint and my foot, usually at a level of 5. At times the pain level went up to 10 and it felt like I was being stabbed with a knife. I tried cold laser therapy, prolotherapy, nerve ablation and pain medication on this area with no lasting effects. Since the acupuncture treatments my pain level has been down to a level 2. That’s huge! There are other benefits that I didn’t expect. After the first treatment one of the acupuncturists, Shari Friedrichs, asked me, “how’s your walking?” I said that I didn’t know, put down my cane, and started walking swiftly around the office and even charged at David Milbradt when he came out into the lobby. The improvement in my walking seems to be holding. I can now do chores on my home property without always using a cane. Also, after the first treatment my bowel movements are normal, instead of all over the place. I also have a weak bladder which made me get up every night. Now I don’t have to get up. Not even once! Another issue I have is gallstones. I would have a build-up of stones which would cause pain under my right ribs and radiate up my back. To get relief I’d have to do a gallbladder cleanse every 3 months. It consisted of drinking ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil at night and expelling the stones the next morning. David has me on a cocktail of herbs that warms up the area so it is not so sluggish. Well, guess what? Gallbladder cleanses are now past history. Lyme’s Disease destroys connective tissue and now I am dealing with left arm and shoulder pain. I’ve been receiving much relief from the acupuncture for this area. Before, I would have spent money on prolotherapy to tighten the ligaments in that area. Hopefully, I will no longer need to do that. And just one more thing, I no longer have restless leg syndrome which I’ve been dealing with for years. I would recommend acupuncture to friends, family, everyone. Even if it doesn’t relieve the problem you come in for (which I’m pretty sure it will) you’ll have other benefits to help your well-being and health. At Abundance Acupuncture they treat the whole body. I never dreamed acupuncture would help me as much as it has. I wasn’t very knowledgeable about it. I’m told I have secondary progressive MS and there’s nothing I can do but live with it. I think not. Patty Porterfield More Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials More Gall Bladder Testimonials More Restless Leg Syndrome Testimonials