ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Gall Bladder Problems
These symptoms interrupted my sleep and made it very uncomfortable for me to work. It was painful, frustrating, and the diarrhea was so exhausting that I would have to lie down whether I wanted to or not. I tried to ignore this, but it didn’t go away, and was actually getting worse every fall. I didn’t know it at the time but David Milbradt told me that all of these symptoms were directly related to problems with my Gall Bladder. I felt better after the first treatment. After a few moths of treatments and taking herbal supplements everything was fine as long as I watched what I ate. At this point I feel 100% better. I am now able to eat whatever I like with out suffering for it. Even more important than that is the fact that I still have my Gall Bladder. My mother had Gall Bladder surgery because of similar problems and she continued to have the heartburn and other digestive problems even after the surgery. I’m certain that, if I hadn’t found Abundance Acupuncture in time, I would have ended up having my Gall Bladder removed by now. I’m really glad I didn’t wait until things got so bad that surgery was my only answer. More Digestive Problem Testimonials Restless Legs, Lymes, & Gall Bladder Disease
At one point, in November, 2004 I also became afflicted with Gall Bladder attacks, and had three visits to the emergency room with all the symptoms but not the most conclusive test that would result in Gall Bladder removal. At one point I went to Abundance Acupuncture with severe pain and was seriously considering going back to the hospital and demand the Gall Bladder surgery. David did a treatment and with the placement of one particular needle in the treatment, the pain level went from an 8 (I’m on my way to the hospital) to nothing. We finished the series of treatments and I have had NO Gall Bladder attacks since those treatments seven years ago. When Abundance moved to Beaver Dam I decided that was too far to drive and I discontinued treatments until April of this year (2011). I had gone to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN two times and they prescribed Mirapex, which helped greatly with the crawling sensations. I saw the neurologist from the UW two times per year or as needed, but I was still having difficulty sleeping and needed take pain medication to sleep. The last year I taught school, I was taking a lot of Darvocet to get through a day, and then I would go home in tears. Other medications were added to my diet of medications to ease the pain, NSAIDS and then medications to protect my stomach from the irritation of all the medications. It then became apparent that I could no longer physically or safely teach children in my increasingly worsening condition. I retired on Physical Disability due to the RLS and Neuropathy in 2006. That was probably the most difficult thing this physically active person had ever done. Concede to a Physical Disability. THEN: The RLS was complicated by the contraction of Lymes. I was hospitalized for three days, and after 30 days of antibiotics was declared cured. In the last three years all the symptoms of Lymes with a conclusive diagnosis of Lymes, has reoccurred with out evidence of a tick bite. Each time I was treated with 30 days of antibiotics and each time the symptoms got worse, encompassing the entire body with the same symptoms of Lymes. (Crawling sensations, pain in extremities, discomfort all over, sleeping 3-5 hours per night most often with pain medication, etc.) It became so intense that I would become short of breath, and would shake so bad from the crawling sensation and pain that my teeth would chatter and was twice was taken to the ER. For a third time I was diagnosed with Acute Lymes. Again 30 days of antibiotics and the symptoms did not go away. The level of hydrocone and the frequency with which I took it increased. It was nothing to take 2 7.5 mg of hydrocodone in a short span of time. As the episodes increased in intensity, they increased in frequency, until they were nightly, therefore so did the amount of pain medication. Valium was added to the hydrocodone to ease my symptoms. On one occasion in 2 hours I had one hydrocodone and 20mg of Valium. I was still able to have a 45 minute phone conversation with my sister before the medication made me relax enough to go to sleep. I am a person who loves to be outside, gardening, riding, hunting, fishing, camping, and canning my own food. If I am inside I am cooking, quilting, and sewing costumes for my grandchildren, sewing horse showmanship outfits for another grandchild, knitting or crocheting. My ability to do these things and my desire to live was declining rapidly, I could no longer participate in the things I loved most: hunting and fishing with my husband, playing with my grandchildren, gardening, and the final straw was when it hurt to ride my horse that I have had as a friend for 12 years. I no longer wanted to go to the barn and could not ride some days as I was in too much pain. I had finally reached the end of my rope and was told I had to wait six weeks to see an Infectious Disease Specialists. I called Abundance Acupuncture and was set up with a series of treatments and Herbs. I have just had my first reevaluation and can say with joy that my desire to participate in life has returned. After two months of treatments and herbs the episodes that were draining the life from me have stopped. I have been 10 days with out an episode. The NSAIDS, Prilosec and Valium are no longer needed. The Mirapex at this point is still needed on a daily basis. But the amount of hydrocodone I take has decreased dramatically to about 3 per week and not per day. I am learning to limit myself so that the pain does not return (this is very hard). I have hope that my progress will continue and I will no longer have to hang the Disability sign in the front window of my vehicle. The fact remains that through Abundance Acupuncture I have regained my desire to again participate in life. I have reached the Senior Citizen category and will be 65 in a few months and now feel I can reach my goal of riding my horse at 75+. The clinic and staff are welcoming, calming, and the staff is particularly caring in the clients needs, desires, physical and emotional wellbeing. I would and have recommended Abundance Acupuncture to a family member and a friend so that they might regain their health through acupuncture. More Restless Leg Testimonials Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme’s Disease
When I came to Abundance Acupuncture late in October 2015 I was having debilitating pain in my right SI joint and nerve pain jumping down my leg to my right foot. There was always constant pain in my SI joint and my foot, usually at a level of 5. At times the pain level went up to 10 and it felt like I was being stabbed with a knife. I tried cold laser therapy, prolotherapy, nerve ablation and pain medication on this area with no lasting effects. Since the acupuncture treatments my pain level has been down to a level 2. That’s huge! There are other benefits that I didn’t expect. After the first treatment one of the acupuncturists, Shari Friedrichs, asked me, “how’s your walking?” I said that I didn’t know, put down my cane, and started walking swiftly around the office and even charged at David Milbradt when he came out into the lobby. The improvement in my walking seems to be holding. I can now do chores on my home property without always using a cane. Also, after the first treatment my bowel movements are normal, instead of all over the place. I also have a weak bladder which made me get up every night. Now I don’t have to get up. Not even once! Another issue I have is gallstones. I would have a build-up of stones which would cause pain under my right ribs and radiate up my back. To get relief I’d have to do a gallbladder cleanse every 3 months. It consisted of drinking ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil at night and expelling the stones the next morning. David has me on a cocktail of herbs that warms up the area so it is not so sluggish. Well, guess what? Gallbladder cleanses are now past history. Lyme’s Disease destroys connective tissue and now I am dealing with left arm and shoulder pain. I’ve been receiving much relief from the acupuncture for this area. Before, I would have spent money on prolotherapy to tighten the ligaments in that area. Hopefully, I will no longer need to do that. And just one more thing, I no longer have restless leg syndrome which I’ve been dealing with for years. I would recommend acupuncture to friends, family, everyone. Even if it doesn’t relieve the problem you come in for (which I’m pretty sure it will) you’ll have other benefits to help your well-being and health. At Abundance Acupuncture they treat the whole body. I never dreamed acupuncture would help me as much as it has. I wasn’t very knowledgeable about it. I’m told I have secondary progressive MS and there’s nothing I can do but live with it. I think not. Patty Porterfield More Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials More Restless Leg Syndrome Testimonials |