ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Acupuncture Improves Multiple Sclerosis My name is Jeffrey F. of Beaver Dam Lock & Security. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in October, 2013 because I was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. This was diagnosed two years and four months ago, but the symptoms really began two years before I was diagnosed. I didn’t have pain issues but my mobility was impaired by weakness and lack of balance. I couldn’t stand longer than 20 minutes and I needed a cane to get around. I had difficulty dressing myself and I was unable to continue the work which I had enjoyed doing. I was also more fatigued, had difficulty sleeping, and sometimes I felt depressed and hopelessness. I was scared and embarrassed about not being able to provide for my family. I tried medications such as muscle relaxants and physical therapy and didn’t see any significant changes. Chiropractic was helpful, but my condition was beyond what he could do. After the first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture I began to feel some improvements and I have felt steady improvements with each succeeding treatment. I have put my cane away and for the first time in years walking has greatly improved. I am moving three times farther and quicker. I can dress myself, do other things I couldn’t do before, and my mood is sharper and more optimistic. During the treatments I felt very relaxed and calm. Even though I hate needles acupuncture treatments are really OK. The clinic is quiet and the staff is friendly. I have recommend acupuncture to many of my friends because it has made such a difference to me. Before treatments I felt like I was in my late 70’s even though I’m actually in my late 50’s. Now that my mobility is improving I’m feeling more like my real self. Thank you. |