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Urinary Pain & Interstitial Cystitis

The issue of urinary pain is a rather private issue, but I hope that this testimonial will help others find relief if they experience discomfort or pain similar to what I have endured.  

My name is Sandy M. I came to Abundance Acupuncture in 2010 because I was suffering from painful urination which was diagnosed as interstitial cystitis.  I had intense, “teeth gnashing” pain before, during, and after urination, frequent and urgent urges to urinate with incomplete emptying of my bladder, and woke up two or three times every night to urinate.  When this problem began in 1992 it bothered me off and on, then five years ago, it became a constant and continuous annoyance.  Although urination is a simple and necessary body function this problem made it difficult to go very far between bathrooms or have intercourse.  It consumed my attention, interrupted my sleep, and left me feeling irritable, depressed, and hopeless. 

I tried medications such as Flomax and Klonopin, pulse galvanic stimulation, and even had interstim implant surgery without significant improvements.  I began to feel some improvements in my condition after the first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture.  At this point in time my condition feels 50% better.  The frequency of urinary urgency has been reduced, there is significantly less pain, and I am sleeping much better.

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