ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Relief from Scoliosis, Allergies, and Restless Legs
In spite of the pain, I made myself go to the Y three days a week for deep water exercise. It hurt to get into the water. On a scale of 1-10 for pain, it was about a 6. All pain went away while I was in the water, but by the time I'd showered and dressed, the pain was worse than ever. About an 8 and there were times I didn't know if I could make it to my car from the locker room. Lifting and bending my leg to get into the driver's seat the pain increased to a 12. It did ease a little while I was driving. Several of my friends recommended David Milbradt and Shari Friedrichs and I decided I had nothing to lose. Progress was very slow because of my age, but there was progress. Today I am not free of morning pain, but it is so bearable that I feel like dancing. There is no longer pain before I get into the water and the pain after is down to a 2 or 3 and it no longer bothers me to get into the driver's seat. I can now go to the Y, go shopping, come home and put the groceries away and then sit down for a short rest. But the wonderful surprise was the side benefits. I have suffered with year round allergies from childhood. They are really bad in the spring and then late summer. I was taking two over the counter drugs and three prescription drugs and still having bad days. After starting acupuncture I realized I no longer needed the over the counter drugs and I have cut the dose of one prescription in half. I thumb my nose at the weather man when he announces that tree pollen and mold counts are high. The other biggest and best relief that I've gotten is worth every cent I've spent on acupuncture. I suffered with restless legs for years. They didn't bother me in bed but just before bed while I was sitting in my chair. I wanted to walk and jump up and down and nothing helped. About two weeks into treatment I realized one night that the restless legs were gone. I was amazed. I still get them mildly very rarely, but the relief is wonderful. An added bonus was when David started giving me the 5 Emotions treatment. Some needles in my forehead and my attitude has changed. I'm much more relaxed and calm. I don't care if I have to stand in a line at the checkout counter. If I get an incorrect bill on a Saturday when I can't contact the business office, I don't spend the weekend pacing and waiting for the office to open on Monday morning. I used to skip the Y just so I could call right away. Now whenever is the time I call. There are other things more important. Everyone on the staff is very concerned and caring. They are my friends. To sum up: my life has definitely improved since I started acupuncture. The quality is much better. Bette M. |