ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Better Post Surgical Recovery
I became a patient of Abundance Acupuncture approximately four years ago. I was suffering from a chronic infection and a wound that would not heal. I also was dealing with intestinal problems. I was absolutely miserable and desperate to feel good again. After an evaluation and a couple of treatments, I was started on my road to recovery. A year after I started my treatment I was feeling much better. I made a decision to continue acupuncture treatment as part of my wellness routine. I now have an appointment about once a month. This past summer, I was faced with the need to have a surgical procedure for the treatment of uterine fibroids. After much consideration, and ten years of dealing with abnormal periods, I decided to go ahead. I was scheduled for a vaginal hysterectomy. I had discussed my use of acupuncture with my surgeon. I also discussed with her my desire to have acupuncture following the surgery for comfort and to aid the healing process. She felt this would be a good thing to do and was very supportive. She wrote an order that it would be alright for Shari, my acupuncturist, to come and give me a treatment right in my hospital room, the morning following my surgery, before I was discharged. I can tell you that my recovery went well and I credit this to acupuncture. I was discharged home the next day. The only medication I used for pain was ibuprofen. I feel that my recovery time was cut down for several reasons; I was paying attention to my diet, activity level and using acupuncture and acupressure to promote healing. If you or a loved one is faced with needing a surgical procedure, I hope that you consider discussing the benefits of acupuncture with either your physician or acupuncturist. I believe that it might affect your satisfaction with your recovery process. – Carla R. |