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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

My name is Logan C. and I am eight years old.  I came to Abundance Acupuncture in October, 2010 because I was suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, and constipation.  I had this problem for five years. This problem interfered with my ability to focus and stay on task at school and at home.     

It made me feel fidgety, impulsive, irritable, and angry.  It also made it difficult for me to sleep and it was hard to go through my days at school.  I tried the Feingold diet which helped some to improve my focus, but I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after four months of working with Abundance Acupuncture. 

At this point in time my condition feels 75% better. I now feel calmer and more focused. I no longer have any problems with constipation. I am able to follow directions consistently and my body is not in constant motion. I can sit still when I need to and raise my hand instead of talking impulsively.  I feel more patience which allows me to be more polite and to integrate into school routines.  The feedback that I have heard from teachers at school is that they are amazed at how much I have changed. Also my mother wants to thank you for bringing some normalcy back into our family’s life. The clinic is fabulous and the staff is awesome.  I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because it is a simple step in bettering your life.

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