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Acupressure for Shoulder Pain

My name is Richard D.  I came to an acupressure pain relief clinic held by Abundance Acupuncture in May 2008, because I had pain and limited range of motion in my left shoulder.  I had this problem for 2 years. The pain was sharp, stabbing, and went up to a level ten out of ten. It was impossible to lift my left arm and at night it would just ache while I was in bed.  It also interrupted my sleeping, caused depression, irritability, and made it difficult for me to enjoy everything in life.  It was hard to shower, change my clothes, eat, reach for my billfold, close the car door, or even pet the dog.

I tried medications such as four Cortisone shots, Vicodin, physical therapy, and chiropractic to resolve this pain, but no one could fix it.  I was even considering undertaking another surgery.

I began to feel improvement in my shoulder pain and had an increase in the range of motion in my arm seconds after getting the acupressure treatment.  Even now, nine days later, my shoulder still feels much better. I’m happy because I have less pain and can now move my arm.  For the first time in two years I can bathe and apply deodorant under my arm.  If David was a girl I would hug and kiss him.

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