ABUNDANCE ACUPUNCTURE Testimonials Beaver Dam, WI (920) 356-1578
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Fibromyalgia for 14 Years and Weight Loss
I tried medications such as diclofinac and amitriptyline, and biofeedback sessions to resolve this problem but, I had allergic reactions to the medications and no results with the biofeedback. I began to feel significant improvements in my condition after two treatments at Abundance Acupuncture. At this point in time my condition feels 40-50% better. I now feel more energetic, am able to exercise more, do more stuff around the house, and enjoy my grandkids. I have also had significant improvement with other health issues: I feel less depressed and I’ve lost 25 pounds. During the treatments I felt relaxed, and comfortable. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because of the relaxing environment and the very caring staff. |