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Fibromyalgia and Severe Pain

My name is Brenda H.  I came to Abundance Acupuncture in August, 2007 because I had been suffering from fibromyalgia and severe pains for seven difficult years. My body ached all over; I had sharp pains in both legs and in my neck and shoulder, almost daily headaches, knee pain, difficulty breathing, digestive problems, and night sweats.  Even though I was always fatigued and exhausted it was difficult to fall asleep or sleep all night because of the pain.

 I was so depressed that I cried myself to sleep hoping that I would not wake up in the morning.  It was difficult to make it through my daily life. I was unable to play with my grandchildren or do anything fun with my husband like going for a walk or a bike ride. My doctor recommended that I only work one or two hours at a time for a couple days a week. Now I find it difficult to even remember how bad I felt about my life during that time.

I tried medications such as Cymbalta which made me feel like I was on another planet and Effexor which caused depression so severe that I was unable to move.  I tried Ibuprofen for pain and many natural remedies and nothing made me feel any better.

I began to feel some improvements in my condition after the first treatment at Abundance Acupuncture and significant improvements after 12 treatments.    At this point in time my condition feels 95% better. I can now function almost normally, I have much less pain, and I am able to work up to 30 hours per week. I can now play with my grandchildren and enjoy life, even though I still can’t over do strenuous activities.  I have had significant improvement in other symptoms: my sleeping is much better, I am breathing better, and I have spurts of energy and the motivation to do more things.

During the treatments I was scared and nervous because of my intense needle phobia, but I did it anyway!  The clinic is calm and relaxing and the staff is caring, friendly, and nonjudgmental.  I would recommend acupuncture to anyone because it has been life changing.  It is one of the best investments I have ever made in my life.


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