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My name is Rhea M.  I came to Abundance Acupuncture in October 2006 because I was suffering from daily pain in my toe and also had numb hands, problems with digestion, and difficulty loosing weight.  I had foot pain caused by bone rubbing against bone because there was no cartilage for 15 years.  I am a very active person and am on my feet a lot and it caused a lot distress in my life because I was in pain daily. It was miserable. 

Buying and wearing shoes was difficult and not fun.  It also caused me to feel hopeless and irritable and made it difficult for me to walk comfortably or wear the shoes I liked.  I had to buy shoes that were less painful to me, although all shoes hurt.  I tried medications such as a cortisone shot to resolve this problem but it was extremely painful for five days after words and then it only helped to ease the pain for a short time.

I have been getting treatments at Abundance Acupuncture for three months now and at this point in time my condition feels 80% better. I now feel hopeful for complete recovery and am amazed at its performance. I am finally able to enjoy life and activities better.  I have also had significant improvement in other symptoms like: better energy throughout the day, more clarity in thoughts, and better memory.   

During the treatments I feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful. The clinic is wonderful and the staff is great – so polite and caring.  I would recommend acupuncture to everyone because of the great results you will receive in more areas than expected.  

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